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Restoring multiple binary logs
Posted by: Lee Bennett
Date: February 24, 2009 07:03AM

Sorry if this question has been asked before but I’m fairly new to MySQL.

I backup my InnoDB tables with mysqldump and am running with binary logging enabled. Lets says that my server is really busy and since the backup a number of binary logs have been produced. In the event of having to recover the data do I have to apply all the binary log data in the correct sequence manually? I was under the impression from the documentation that the ‘–to-last-log’ option of mysqlbinlog would automatically generate the required sql e.g.

mysqlbinlog --database=db1 --to-last-log --start-position=106 -D /data/binlog/mysql-bin.000047 > recover.sql

This does not however appear to work and only the data in log 47 is generated. I am misunderstanding this or doing something wrong or do I simply have to run mysqlbinlog against each required bin log file?


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Restoring multiple binary logs
February 24, 2009 07:03AM

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