MySQL++ stored procedure usage
I'm trying to use MySQL++ with stored procedures on MySQL 5.0.45-community, but cannot get it to work properly.
My stored procedure is:
drop procedure if exists getTypes;
delimiter //
create procedure getTypes(IN _ID int(11), IN _password VARCHAR(50), OUT return_code int)
set return_code := 1; -- for now we will pretend that authentication was successful
if return_code = 1 then
select TypeID, TypeName from Type;
end if;
delimiter ;
This works fine when called from the MySQL commandline tool.
My C++ code is not working, giving a command out of sync error. I am not sure what I'm doing incorrectly:
// Connect to server
const char* db = "dbname", *server = "servername", *user = "username", *pass = "password";
mysqlpp::Connection conn(false);
conn.set_option(new mysqlpp::MultiResultsOption(true));
conn.connect(db, server, user, pass);
// Call stored procedure, get sole row set
mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query();
query << "call getTypes('0', 'password', @ret)";
mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =;
// Not necessary since there is only one result set,
// but I'm trying everything to make this work
res = query.store_next();
// Get return value placed into @ret
mysqlpp::Query query2 = conn.query("select @ret");
query2 << "select @ret";
mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res2;
// This is where the error occurs
if(0 == (res2 =
cout << "err: " << query2.error() << endl;
The error is prints here is:
err: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Written By
MySQL++ stored procedure usage
June 17, 2008 11:28AM
June 17, 2008 11:30AM
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