Hey everyone,
Well I have the 1.0.5 version of the connector, and some weeks ago I did some tests on it and built a small lib for later use. I tested and everything works. That "later time" to use the lib came recently, and I was faced with THIS exact problem. I tried linking both dynamically and static, I tried compiling the libs but I'm not suceeding (using CMake 2.6 and Visual C++ 2008 express).
It crashes right on the connect with access violation, and I'm pretty sure it isn't the code:
ip += ":" + porta;
//inicializar o driver:
driver = get_driver_instance();
//nova conexao:
conn = driver->connect(ip,user,pass);
//criar statement:
stat = conn->createStatement();
stat->execute("USE " + nome_bd);
}catch(sql::SQLException& ex){
cout << "Erro em:" << endl;
cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ")" << endl;
cout << "erro: " << ex.what();
cout << "codigo: " << ex.getErrorCode();
So, is any new verion with a fix coming up or could anyone help me in building or providing me with a lib? Thanks in advance