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Failed to connect to mysql server with c++ connector on Fedora25
Posted by: Pauline Alexandre
Date: September 05, 2018 09:08AM


I've created a c++ application in order to connect to mysql server in local, on linux system (fedora 25).

I've downloaded this version off the connector: mysql-connector-c++-1.1.11-linux-glibc2.12-x86-64bit.tar.gz

When I tried to connect with my application, I have this error message:
FATAL [17919] [MySQLWrapper::Connect@48] SQLException connecting to tcp://, root:password : Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

The server is running and I succeed to connect with: "mysql -u root -p" or with the workbench.

It seems that there is a problem with the connector, if you can help me I will really appreciate it. (and the firewall is off)

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Failed to connect to mysql server with c++ connector on Fedora25
September 05, 2018 09:08AM

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