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Re: Connector c++ 8 converting field Value for DATE to time_t
Posted by: Claude Mally
Date: August 23, 2021 12:48PM

#include <iostream>
#include <mysqlx/xdevapi.h>

using ::std::cout;
using ::std::endl;

int main() {
try {
using namespace ::mysqlx;

std::string session_uri { "**** my credentials ***" };

Session sess( session_uri );

std::string schema_name = sess.getDefaultSchemaName();
cout << "schema_name : " << schema_name << endl;

Schema db_schema = sess.getSchema( schema_name, true );

std::string table_name { "pet" };

Table pet_table = db_schema.getTable( table_name, true );
cout << "table " << table_name << " has " << pet_table.count() << " row(s). is_view=" << std::boolalpha << pet_table.isView() << std::endl;
// note MySql C++ connector fails to report those fieldnames, even when requested in the query
const std::string alternate_birthname { "strbirth" };
const std::string alternate_deathname { "strdeath" };

std::stringstream query_writer;
query_writer << "SELECT name, owner, species, sex, CAST(birth as char) as " << alternate_birthname << ", CAST(death as char) as " << alternate_deathname << " FROM " << table_name;

std::string query_str = query_writer.str();
cout << "query:" << query_str << endl;

SqlStatement query = sess.sql(query_str);

SqlResult res = query.execute();

Row pet;
while( (pet = res.fetchOne()) ) {
if( pet.isNull() ) {
cout << "null result" << endl;
} else {

int count = res.getColumnCount();
for( int column = 0; column < count; column++ ) {

const Column& current_column = res.getColumn( column );

const Value& field_value = pet[column];

const std::string& field_name = current_column.getColumnName();
Type field_type= current_column.getType();

std::string raw_string;

if( field_value.isNull() ) {
raw_string = "NULL";
} else {
std::stringstream byte_writer;
const bytes& raw_bytes = field_value.getRawBytes();
for( const auto one_byte : raw_bytes ) {
char temp[3];
snprintf( temp, sizeof(temp),"%02X", one_byte);
byte_writer << temp;
raw_string = byte_writer.str();

cout << "name: " << quoted(field_name) << " type " << field_type << " : " << field_value;

if( raw_string.length() ) {
cout << " raw=" << raw_string;

cout << endl;

} catch (const mysqlx::Error &err) {
cout << "ERROR: " << err << endl;


schema_name : cma_test
table pet has 1 row(s). is_view=false
query:SELECT name, owner, species, sex, CAST(birth as char) as strbirth, CAST(death as char) as strdeath FROM pet
name: "name" type STRING : Puffball raw=5000750066006600620061006C006C00
name: "owner" type STRING : Diane raw=4400690061006E006500
name: "species" type STRING : hamster raw=680061006D007300740065007200
name: "sex" type STRING : f raw=6600
name: "" type STRING : 1999-03-30 00:00:00 raw=31003900390039002D00300033002D00330030002000300030003A00300030003A0030003000
name: "" type STRING : <null> raw=NULL

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Re: Connector c++ 8 converting field Value for DATE to time_t
August 23, 2021 12:48PM

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