I've been trying to compile a c++ program that will be run off of shared linux server I have with Bluehost. After a lot of difficulty I finally managed to successfully compile the program in linux using a makefile. However, Bluehost doesn't have the c++ connector installed, I don't have sudo privileges, and they won't install it for me. So now I'm trying to compile the program with a static version of the mysql c++ connector. I've tried to follow what is provided here:
I am getting the following error when I try to call make: main.cpp:(.text+0x3ad): undefined reference to `get_driver_instance'
I'm hoping someone here can help sort out my makefile and get this thing working.
This is my makefile:
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -O0 -std=c++17
LDFLAGS = $(MYSQL_CONCPP_DIR)/lib64/libmysqlcppconn8-static.a -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread
SOURCES = main.c
TARGET = mysqltest
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
.PHONY: clean
@rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) core