MYSQLConnector and XCODE4.4 - need i386 arch build please!
Posted by: Reggie Virmani
Date: July 24, 2012 08:10PM

Hi, I have downloaded and installed the MYsql commiunity server on my
MAc OS 10.7. While everything is great, I am having a little trouble
using the connector for IOS development (as I am sure you already have
heard). When trying to use the mysqlclient.dyslib.18, the sim crashes
telling me its not in the i386 arch. Can you please let me know if you
have a i386 compatible or will i need to recompile the library again. If
I neeed to recompile the library again, which is the best package to

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MYSQLConnector and XCODE4.4 - need i386 arch build please!
July 24, 2012 08:10PM

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