MySQL Server 8.0 failed installation (Server Data Files, ExecSecureObjects)
Hello all,
some users have reported problems when attempting to install MySQL Server using MySQL Installer. Recent reports are mostly related to the installation failing when the MSI action "ExecSecureObjects" is executed. Execution of this MSI action is triggered by the MSI feature "Server data files" which is selected by default.
Note that this issue is now being looked at by the corresponding team. In the meantime, please follow below steps which have proven to allow the successful installation in many cases.
1. Execute MySQL Installer.
2. Select "MySQL Server" for installation in the "Select Products and Features" page.
3. Unselect "Server data files" feature by expanding the "MySQL Server" node in the "Products/Features To Be Installed" tree view.
4. Proceed with the installation in a normal fashion.
5. Configure MySQL Server as needed.
Jose Ramirez
MySQL on Windows Team
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MySQL Server 8.0 failed installation (Server Data Files, ExecSecureObjects)
March 19, 2020 10:29AM
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