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Re: Not abale to import data
Posted by: Javier Treviño
Date: December 20, 2016 04:43PM

If you want to take data from an Excel's spreadsheet and load it into a MySQL Server table you have several options, I am including the official documentation links for each:

1. Use MySQL for Excel (
2. Use MySQL Workbench (
3. Use MySQL commands directly (

Please do follow up on the forum corresponding to the option you choose.
If you choose 2 or 3 DO NOT follow up in this forum.

Best regards.

Javier Treviño
MySQL on Windows Team

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Written By
December 16, 2016 06:18PM
December 19, 2016 12:32PM
December 19, 2016 01:22PM
Re: Not abale to import data
December 20, 2016 04:43PM
December 20, 2016 09:45AM
December 27, 2016 11:45AM

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