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Re: High Severity Error
Posted by: Javier Treviño
Date: February 04, 2014 03:19PM

Hi David,
Thanks for writing in our forums!

I think what you are seeing is a bug, it is happening when Notifier tries to add a scheduled task to check for updates of any installed MySQL product. I would suggest first raising a bug in for the MySQL Notifier with the same error details you pasted here and as much information as possible.

Second, as a workaround you can try the following, open in a text editor the settings.config file located at "%APPDATA%\Oracle\MySQL Notifier\" and you should see there a property called "AutoCheckForUpdates" that I think has a "True" value, just replace it with a "False" one and run the Notifier.

Hope this works and that you can share your feedback here.

Best Regards.

Javier Treviño
MySQL on Windows Team

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February 04, 2014 09:45AM
Re: High Severity Error
February 04, 2014 03:19PM

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