Re: Bug? JSON functions do not work in nested JSON arrays
Posted by: Anthony Stump
Date: January 15, 2017 01:06PM

Additionally, using ** finds the data, but extremely slowly

select JSON_EXTRACT('[{"KOJC":{"Tmp":"25"}}, {"KTWX":{"Tmp":"32"}}]', '$**.KOJC');
| JSON_EXTRACT('[{"KOJC":{"Tmp":"25"}}, {"KTWX":{"Tmp":"32"}}]', '$**.KOJC') |
| [{"Tmp": "25"}] |
1 row in set (1.77 sec)

This takes almost 2 seconds, on a 16 GB RAM 8-core Intel 4790k processor! PHP can rip out the entire JSON string and search for the data faster!

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Re: Bug? JSON functions do not work in nested JSON arrays
January 15, 2017 01:06PM

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