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Re: Group Replication doesn't like "::ffff:" as an IP Address
Posted by: Krzysztof Wróblewski
Date: December 17, 2019 01:45AM

I had similar issue...
Here my notes:

As documentation says:

AUTOMATIC mode should authorize automatically

IPv4 (as defined in RFC 1918)
10/8 prefix ( - - Class A

But when ipv6 comes... there is no rule for ::ffff:...
I couldn't switch listener 33061 to ipv4 (which comes with GR) on CentOS 8. It was always triggerred on ipv6.

Even when you add whitelist to node no.1 during creation
dba.createCluster('mycluster',{ipWhitelist: ''})
it doesn't propagate this whitelist through all nodes (and it could be).

You have to add it manually through all nodes (even for private network) by :
cluster.addInstance('cluster@mysql02',{ipWhitelist: ''})

If you don't do this, you will have error like in this topic.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2019 01:48AM by Krzysztof Wróblewski.

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