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MySQL Full Text Search not returing all records
Posted by: Brett Atkin
Date: September 16, 2012 09:02PM

First time implementing Full Text Search...

I've run the necessary ALTER TABLE SQL to enable FULLTEXT on the applicable tables/fields.

On the following beta site:

If I do a search for "leadership", I get normal results except for the Events section at the bottom. I have Events with that word in the event title and throughout the description copy (

If I do a search for "communications", I get results in the Events section, which makes me think I have everything configured correctly.

I'm using the following basic code for testing purposes:

FROM tblevents
WHERE MATCH(event_title, event_desc_long, event_desc_short, event_tab_one_title, event_tab_one_text, event_tab_two_title, event_tab_two_text, event_tab_three_title, event_tab_three_text, event_tab_four_title, event_tab_four_text) AGAINST ('$site_search_term')

This is the same code I'm using to search Products and Articles (changing the necessary FROM and WHERE information).

Not sure what is happening (since it works for some phrases) or where to start looking in my db to see what is wrong.



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MySQL Full Text Search not returing all records
September 16, 2012 09:02PM

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