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Innodb showing high usage 99.7
Posted by: Leonard Maria Arul
Date: July 07, 2020 03:05PM

Please find our data length and index length

# engine, data, indexes, total
InnoDB, 471.89 GB, 308.47 GB, 780.36 GB
CSV, 0.00 GB, 0.00 GB, 0.00 GB
MEMORY, 0.00 GB, 0.00 GB, 0.00 GB
TOTALS, 471.89 GB, 308.47 GB, 780.36 GB

Our OS Memory : 60 GB
Inno DB Memory : 42 GB
We are seeing always server status showing 99.7 percent.
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data : 41.12 GB
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total : 41.23
Could you please suggest , Is there optimal calculation for Buffer size ?.
As per calcuation data page (data+index) is 780.36 GB .
The 42 GB buffer size is enough , If not how much we need to increase ?. Is there any calculation ?

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Innodb showing high usage 99.7
July 07, 2020 03:05PM

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