Problem loading records between 2 dates...
I have an application that needs to pull certain records after a certain datetime. The datetime is retrieved already from the data base but every time i run the query it brings back all records rather than just the records older than a specific datetime.
Here is the code i am currently running,
SELECT id,subject,date,type,category,numreads,keywords FROM User1 WHERE date BETWEEN '2/5/2006 1:48:46 AM' AND Now() AND type >= '1'
I have also tried this code and it also brings back every record, rather than just bringing back the records later than 2/5/2006 1:48:46 AM
SELECT id,subject,date,type,category,numreads,keywords FROM User1 WHERE date > '2/9/2006 1:48:46 AM' AND type >= '1'
Any help would be really great!!