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contains/within functions still using MBR??!?!
Posted by: P R
Date: April 10, 2011 09:29PM

I just installed a development snapshot of 5.6 from the labs.
It seems that the gis functions are still using mbr's, can someone verify this?
what happened to the holyfoot fixes? where are they? how can I get them?

I have a 'world countries' database table, with a geometry spatial column for country borders. the geometry column contains polygon & multipolygon types. Performing queries to find out in which country a point lies will INCORRECTLY return multiple results; its obvious that mbr's are being used.

SELECT * FROM world_countries WHERE Contains(SHAPE,GeomFromText('POINT(-6.289999961853027 36.5099983215332)'))
this point is located in southern spain, yet the query returns spain, algeria, portugal, even the U.S., due to the dateline wrap-around.
I've already verified that the polygon data in the spatial column is correct, so the problem is that mysql's gis functions are unable to accurately determine which polygon a point lies within.

anyway, can someone please help me out with this?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2011 10:23PM by P R.

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contains/within functions still using MBR??!?!
April 10, 2011 09:29PM

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