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Difference between Well-Known Binary data format and MySql blob format
Posted by: Diego Guidi
Date: February 03, 2005 05:15AM

For my tests, MySql memorize geometry data as binary format (BLOB) like WKB, but with some differences...

as example:
Well-Known Text: POINT(10 10)
Well-Known Binary: Int32Byteorder + Int32GeometryType DoubleXCoord + DoubleXCoord (4 + 4 + 8 + 8 = 24 bytes)

MySqlBlob Binary: Int32Byteorder + CharUnknown + Int32GeometryType DoubleXCoord + DoubleXCoord (4 + 1 + 4 + 8 + 8 = 25 bytes)

It's correct my interpretation? And who mean the char?

Thanks for responses :)

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Difference between Well-Known Binary data format and MySql blob format
February 03, 2005 05:15AM

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