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Updated 5.1.35 GIS snapshot binaries now available
Posted by: Lenz Grimmer
Date: July 29, 2009 07:26AM


we've now published a new set of binary packages from the mysql-5.1-wl1326 source tree:

This release fixes the bugs mentioned below and includes some improvements to the GIS functionality, so please use these ones for future testing.

The following bugs were fixed in this release:

* Bug#31753: Buffer/area functions only return first row of set
* Bug#32032: Contains() does not work on MultiPolygons, may force a disconnect and/or result in extremely long query times.
* Bug#32100: contains, intersects functions never return. Query disconnects or times out.
* Bug#33035: Intersection function returns 'Function doesn't exist' error
* Bug#40874: Buffer function doesn't work with LINESTRING
* Bug#41481: Buffer function never returns, cpu 100%, system locks up
* Bug#43493: union function returns polygon not multipolygon for non-intersecting polygons
* Bug#44753: nan error in union function

I'd like to explicitly thank John Powell for his extensive testing and bug reporting so far, he helped us quite a lot to improve the quality of the GIS code.

Please help us by by testing this new release and reporting bugs at our public bug database. For convenience, please tag your Bug reports with "gis" and make sure to put them in the "Server: GIS" category:


Lenz Grimmer - MySQL Community Relations Manager -
Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1, 85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten, DE
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels
Vorsitz d. Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering AG Muenchen: HRB161028

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2009 07:29AM by Lenz Grimmer.

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Updated 5.1.35 GIS snapshot binaries now available
July 29, 2009 07:26AM

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