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mysql WGS84 Data & distance queries
Posted by: Alan Young
Date: December 02, 2010 08:43AM

I am trying to execute this mysql query can any one help me please with this

SELECT *, 3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN((53.65274 - Lat) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) + COS(53.65274 * pi()/180) *COS(Lat * pi()/180) * POWER(SIN((-2.63241 -Long) * pi()/180 / 2), 2))) as distance FROM hotels

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Long) * pi()/180 / 2), 2))) as distance FROM BeautySalson LIMIT 0, 30' at line 1

I have table called hotels with fields Lat and Long my original gps lat/Long are (53.65274, -2.63241)

I don't know if I am doing this right

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mysql WGS84 Data & distance queries
December 02, 2010 08:43AM

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