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mysql not using index
Posted by: xnicnacx
Date: March 30, 2005 07:05AM

Hi @ll
i have the following problem:
i´m using a statement like SELECT * FROM table WHERE col1=col2;
both col1&col2 are of the type text.
i cant seem to get mysql to use an index in this query, i tried
create index IndexEight on `table` (col1(100),col2(100));
as well as
create index IndexNine on `table` (col1(100));
create index IndexTen on `table` (col2(100));
with different values as still doesnt use any index :/
adding USE INDEX or FORCE INDEX to the query didnt help either......
any suggestions..?
thx 4 your time

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mysql not using index
March 30, 2005 07:05AM
March 30, 2005 08:18AM
March 30, 2005 10:21AM

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