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Slow Query Urgent
Posted by: a m
Date: July 23, 2015 09:21AM


I have a BIG problem in MYSQL. I have this query:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS estadistica.filtro_base_tmp;
CREATE TABLE estadistica.filtro_base_tmp
SELECT gestor_eventos_rsp.grupo_evento.EST_NOM,gestor_eventos_rsp.grupo_evento.TEV_NOM,gestor_eventos_rsp.grupo_evento.CLI_ID,sum(gestor_eventos_rsp.grupo_evento.GEV_CNT) as ACUM
FROM gestor_eventos_rsp.grupo_evento
WHERE gestor_eventos_rsp.grupo_evento.GEV_TSINI > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 7 DAY)
GROUP BY gestor_eventos_rsp.grupo_evento.EST_NOM,gestor_eventos_rsp.grupo_evento.TEV_NOM,gestor_eventos_rsp.grupo_evento.CLI_ID;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS estadistica.filtro_base;
RENAME TABLE estadistica.filtro_base_tmp TO estadistica.filtro_base;

The problem is this statement in the query: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS estadistica.filtro_base;

I see the statement of the query in slow querys table for a long time.
I execute this query each 5 minutes and this is a random problem.

Sometimes i have the same query in the same time because the previous execution don't finished and that reason block my app.

Please help me!

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Written By
Slow Query Urgent
a m
July 23, 2015 09:21AM
July 23, 2015 10:19AM
July 24, 2015 04:00PM

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