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Re: errorno: 4336-- even otherwise
Posted by: Mikael Ronström
Date: July 20, 2005 05:42PM


Can't make anything out of it unfortunately. But I have some suspicions that might be
worthwhile. Could it be that you have a very large amount of tables (more than 2048 or
so). Please also report it as a bug because it certainly has the looks of one.

Rgrds Mikael

mon lax wrote:
> Hi,
> CREATE TABLE `forum_watch` (
> `watch_user` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default
> '0',
> `watch_forum` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
> `watch_topic` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
> KEY `idx_fw1` (`watch_user`, `watch_forum`),
> KEY `idx_fw2` (`watch_user`, `watch_topic`)
> ) COMMENT='Links users to the forums/messages
> they are watching';
> I get the error
> #1005 - Can't create table
> './dotproject/forum_watch.frm' (errno: 4336)
> can this help any better?
> Regards,
> Mon

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Written By
July 17, 2005 03:12PM
July 17, 2005 10:26PM
Re: errorno: 4336-- even otherwise
July 20, 2005 05:42PM

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