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Re: Inserting a row
Posted by: Anton Aleksandrov
Date: July 27, 2005 07:16AM

Yes, if your table has engine=ndbcluster and you insert a row into it, it will be available in the cluster data nodes. Although it seems that your question is not correct. You probably want to know - if that row will be available to all API (SQL) nodes of the cluster (as you actually are connecting to to data node, but to API node). The answer is yes, it will.

When you start your cluster, after all data nodes are running (you can check it in ndb_mgm), you will have to create some database at API node and create some table in that database with engine=ndbcluster. You will have to create that database (with the same name) on all API nodes, but you DON'T have to create a table, as they already will be there with all data.

As more data nodes you have, as more redundant your cluster will be.


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July 27, 2005 05:22AM
Re: Inserting a row
July 27, 2005 07:16AM

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