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Got error 738 'Record too big' from NDB
Posted by: R P
Date: February 09, 2022 09:06AM

Hello. I am setting up a web application, and when the installer creates the database, it fails on the step below.

[349][-none-][FATAL] Error creating table: oauth2tokens: Query Failed: CREATE TABLE oauth2tokens (`id` char(36) NOT NULL ,`name` varchar(255) NULL ,`date_entered` datetime NULL ,`date_modified` datetime NULL ,`modified_user_id` char(36) NULL ,`created_by` char(36) NULL ,`description` text NULL ,`deleted` bool DEFAULT '0' NULL ,`token_is_revoked` bool NULL ,`token_type` varchar(255) NULL ,`access_token_expires` datetime NULL ,`access_token` varchar(4000) NULL ,`refresh_token` varchar(4000) NULL ,`refresh_token_expires` datetime NULL ,`grant_type` varchar(255) NULL ,`state` varchar(1024) NULL ,`client` char(36) NULL ,`assigned_user_id` char(36) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id)) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci: MySQL error 1005: Can't create table 'oauth2tokens' (use SHOW WARNINGS for more info).

After I run SHOW WARNINGS, the error is as below.
Got error 738 'Record too big' from NDB

Please suggest any fixes so I can finish setting up our new web application. Thank you.

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Got error 738 'Record too big' from NDB
February 09, 2022 09:06AM

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