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Re: Newby resetting replication query
Posted by: ian diddams
Date: June 17, 2019 01:25AM

so - to clarify...

Database name is bugtracker = B for simplicity

M and S run B, and rep-0lication isnin place.

I break replication so M & S are running seprrately. S then gets used as "live" (DR scenario).
S database B is now "ahead" of M.

I dump B from S, import B on M. Now B is the same on both M & S.

I recreate replication.

So are you saying having imported B to M I then dump it on M and import it on S - even though it "has" to be the same. Or are you meaning dump _everything" on M and import to S

on S mysqldump -u root -p --databases bugtracker > bugdump.db
on M MySQL -u root -p bugtracker < bugdump.db

and THEN

on M mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > all_dump.db
on S mysql -uroot -p < all_dump.db

them recreate replication


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June 13, 2019 08:45AM
Re: Newby resetting replication query
June 17, 2019 01:25AM

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