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Re: physical export
Posted by: Rick James
Date: March 22, 2014 11:04PM

It will probably work.
Some potential issues...
There is a .../mysql/ directory and there is a .../mysql/data/mysql directory -- move the upper one and everything under it.
If the new machine has smaller RAM, then some of the my.ini settings will need decreased.
If the version of MySQL is different there could be incompatibilities. See mysql_upgrade.
If the new machine is another Slave, then server_id need to be different.
InnoDB uses ibdata1 and iblog*, but you will be moving them intact, so there is no problem.
If you put the /mysql/ in a different path, you may need to change something in my.ini.
32-bit/64-bit and big-endian/little-indian should not matter.
Windows to/from non-Windows could matter due to case folding of directory and file names (that is, database and table names) in Windows but not in non-windows.

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Written By
March 21, 2014 05:16AM
Re: physical export
March 22, 2014 11:04PM

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