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MySQL Shell 8.0.22 for MySQL Server 8.0 and 5.7 has been released
Posted by: Prashant Tekriwal
Date: October 19, 2020 09:16AM

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Shell 8.0.22 is a maintenance release of MySQL Shell 8.0 Series (a
component of the MySQL Server). The MySQL Shell is provided under
Oracle's dual-license.

MySQL Shell 8.0 is highly recommended for use with MySQL Server 8.0 and
5.7. Please upgrade to MySQL Shell 8.0.22.

MySQL Shell is an interactive JavaScript, Python and SQL console
interface, supporting development and administration for the MySQL
Server. It provides APIs implemented in JavaScript and Python that
enable you to work with MySQL InnoDB cluster and use MySQL as a document

The AdminAPI enables you to work with MySQL InnoDB cluster and InnoDB
ReplicaSet, providing integrated solutions for high availability and scalability
using InnoDB based MySQL databases, without requiring advanced MySQL
expertise.  For more information about how to configure and work with
MySQL InnoDB cluster and MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet see

The X DevAPI enables you to create "schema-less" JSON document
collections and perform Create, Update, Read, Delete (CRUD) operations
on those collections from your favorite scripting language.  For more
information about how to use MySQL Shell and the MySQL Document Store
support see

For more information about the X DevAPI see

If you want to write applications that use the the CRUD based X DevAPI
you can also use the latest MySQL Connectors for your language of
choice. For more information about Connectors see

For more information on the APIs provided with MySQL Shell see


Using MySQL Shell's SQL mode you can communicate with servers using the
legacy MySQL protocol. Additionally, MySQL Shell provides partial
compatibility with the mysql client by supporting many of the same
command line options.

For full documentation on MySQL Server, MySQL Shell and related topics,

For more information about how to download MySQL Shell 8.0.22, see the
"General Availability (GA) Releases" tab at

We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports, see

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

Changes in MySQL Shell 8.0.22 (2020-10-19, General Availability)

     * AdminAPI Bugs Fixed

     * Functionality Added or Changed

     * Bugs Fixed

AdminAPI Bugs Fixed

     * Due to the changes introduced in bug#31467823, AdminAPI
       user messages have been updated to use the same
       terminology. (Bug #31798724)
       References: See also: Bug #31462783, Bug #31467823.

     * In 8.0.22, Group Replication deprecates the
       group_replication_ip_whitelist system variable in favor
       of group_replication_ip_allowlist. Therefore AdminAPI now
       includes a new option named ipAllowlist and deprecates
       the ipWhitelist option used with dba.createCluster(),
       Cluster.addInstance() and Cluster.rejoinInstance().
       Regardless of the target instance version, if ipWhitelist
       is used MySQL Shell prints a deprecation warning. When
       the target instance is 8.0.22 or later Group Replication
       reports a deprecation warning, but AdminAPI avoids this
       by ensuring the appropriate variable is set according to
       the version of MySQL running on the instance. If the
       target instance is 8.0.22 or later and the old
       ipWhitelist option is used, AdminAPI updates the new
       group_replication_ip_allowlist system variable. On
       instances running MySQL 8.0.21 or earlier, AdminAPI
       updates the older group_replication_ip_whitelist system
       This work also fixes a bug in Cluster.options(), which
       shows the list of all Group Replication options that are
       configurable by MySQL Shell. When an option is not set or
       does not exist (for example in a certain version) it is
       displayed as having a null value. However, when you
       passed in the all option to Cluster.options(), such
       variables were being excluded from the list.

     * The dba.configureLocalInstance() and
       dba.configureInstance() operations could not be used
       against instances that were part of unmanaged replication
       groups. This made it impossible to create a cluster
       administrator account, which is required when adopting a
       Group Replication group into an InnoDB Cluster. Creating
       cluster administrator accounts is very important for the
       remote management of InnoDB Clusters, and to avoid having
       to manually create the user and required privileges on
       each instance. The fix ensures that
       dba.configureLocalInstance() and dba.configureInstance()
       can be executed against instances belonging to unmanaged
       replication groups. Because such instances are ready for
       InnoDB Cluster usage, a message confirms this.

     * The dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage() operation was
       only checking GTID_EXECUTED when validating for the
       instance that has the most transactions. Transactions
       that were received (and certified) but not executed yet
       were not included in that check. Also, transactions
       received through replication channels other than the
       Group Replication applier were also not being considered
       in that check, because the instance was probably the
       primary while the cluster was running. Ignoring these
       transactions led to data loss. Now, any known and managed
       replication channels are considered as part of the check.
       (Bug #31673163)

     * The dba.removeInstance() operation failed if the instance
       being removed was not only unreachable but also
       unresolvable, which could be the case when the instance
       was running in a container that takes down its own DNS
       record when removed.
       Instances could not be removed even if force was enabled,
       because of a validation that ensured that the given
       instance is a valid address by checking if it is
       resolvable. If that validation failed, nothing else was
       attempted. The fix completely removes address resolution
       from the whole AdminAPI. That check was redundant,
       because invalid addresses would eventually lead to an
       error anyway when a connection was opened. IPv6 address
       syntax validations were left to remind you that ::1
       should be specified as [::1]. (Bug #31632606)

     * Calling Cluster.rejoinInstance("host:port") with no user
       name specified caused AdminAPI to try and connect using
       the operating system user name instead of the credentials
       used to connect the cluster object. Now, if credentials
       are not provided, they are taken from the target server's
       connection options. (Bug #31632554)

     * When adding an instance to a cluster using MySQL Clone
       and monitoring the transfer of data, MySQL Shell could
       stop unexpectedly. This was due to the assumption that
       the Performance Schema would provide information on all
       four stages of cloning, which might not exist if the data
       set was very small. The fix ensures that updates are
       performed according to the information which is available
       at each time. (Bug #31545728)

     * When an unreachable primary instance was forcibly removed
       from a cluster, the group_replication_group_seeds system
       variable was not updated because the group status was
       queried from the primary, which was missing. The cluster
       was left in an inconsistent state, and if any of the
       instances were restarted, they would not be able to
       automatically rejoin, because
       group_replication_group_seeds contained an invalid
       address, which caused Group Replication to abort trying
       to join the group. (Bug #31531704)

     * If the validate_password plugin was enabled, the
       setupAdminAccount() and setupRouterAccount() operations
       would fail with an error indicating the password did not
       meet the policy requirements. This happened regardless of
       whether the password met the policy requirements or not.
       (Bug #31491092)

     * In the event of dba.createCluster() failing, the metadata
       record was left behind and Group Replication was also
       started. The cluster was left in an inconsistent state
       that could not be recovered from when calling
       dba.createCluster() again. Now, metadata changes during a
       dba.createCluster() operation are enclosed in a
       transaction, so that both the cluster and instance
       records are only committed if the operation succeeds.
       Group Replication is also stopped if the create operation
       does not complete successfully.
       Similarly, Cluster.addInstance() has been changed to
       ensure that its metadata record is only inserted when
       everything else has completed successfully. On retry, it
       skips any steps that would cause conflicts because Group
       Replication is already running. This introduces a
       behavior change, where adding an instance that is part of
       the group but not in the metadata just adds it to the
       metadata, instead of aborting and requiring you to
       execute Cluster.rescan(). (Bug #31455419)

     * If a connection timed out during a Cluster.status()
       operation, MySQL Shell could appear to hang for a long
       time. To improve the responsiveness, the default timeout
       of AdminAPI operations has been reduced from 10 seconds
       to 2 seconds. This ensures operations like
       Cluster.status() do not appear to freeze for a long time
       when there are unreachable instances. (Bug #30884174)

     * Instances operating in an InnoDB Cluster or InnoDB
       ReplicaSet are all required to have the same password for
       the administrative account. In a situation where the
       password on an instance joining a InnoDB Cluster or
       InnoDB ReplicaSet did not match the other instances, the
       error message did not explain this and the instance
       failed to join. Now, in such a situation the error is
       detected and the resulting message mentions that the
       password is the cause of the failure. It is recommended
       that you set up administrator accounts using the
       setupAdminAccount() operation, see Creating User Accounts
       for Administration

Functionality Added or Changed

     * Two new utilities are available in MySQL Shell to export
       single tables from a MySQL server instance.

          + MySQL Shell's new table dump utility
            util.dumpTables() supports the export of a selection
            of tables or views from a schema, from an on-premise
            MySQL instance into an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
            Object Storage bucket or a set of local files. It
            works in the same way as the instance dump utility
            util.dumpInstance() and schema dump utility
            util.dumpSchemas() introduced in 8.0.21, but with a
            different selection of suitable options. The
            exported items can then be imported into a MySQL
            Database Service DB System (a MySQL DB System, for
            short) or a MySQL Server instance using MySQL
            Shell's dump loading utility util.loadDump().

          + MySQL Shell's new table export utility
            util.exportTable() exports a MySQL relational table
            into a data file in a variety of formats, either on
            the local server or in an Oracle Cloud
            Infrastructure Object Storage bucket. The data can
            then be uploaded into a table on a target MySQL
            server using MySQL Shell's parallel table import
            utility util.importTable(), which uses parallel
            connections to provide rapid data import for large
            data files. The data file can also be used to import
            data to a different application, or as a lightweight
            logical backup for a single data table.

     * From MySQL Shell 8.0.22, when you export schemas to an
       Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage bucket using
       MySQL Shell's instance dump utility and schema dump
       utility, util.dumpInstance() and util.dumpSchemas(),
       during the dump you can generate a pre-authenticated
       request URL for every item. The utilities do this by
       default when the ocimds option is set to true, and you
       can control the feature using the ociParManifest and
       ociParExpireTime options. The user account that runs MySQL
       Shell's dump loading utility util.loadDump() then uses
       the pre-authenticated request URLs to load the dump files
       without additional access permissions.

Bugs Fixed

     * MySQL Shell's dump loading utility util.loadDump() would
       stop with an error if a data file's size was larger than
       an applicable server limit relating to the maximum
       transaction size, such as the max_binlog_cache_size
       limit. Now, the utility stops the data load in mid-file
       if the number of bytes uploaded is about to exceed 1.5
       times the bytesPerChunk setting of the utility that
       created the data files, which is stored in the dump
       metadata. The data load is then restarted to upload the
       remainder of the file. Due to this new safeguard, the
       default bytesPerChunk setting of MySQL Shell's instance
       dump utility util.dumpInstance(), schema dump utility
       util.dumpSchemas(), and table dump utility
       util.dumpTables() has been increased from 32 MB to 64 MB.
       (Bug #31945539)

     * MySQL Shell's instance dump utility util.dumpInstance()
       and schema dump utility util.dumpSchemas() did not take
       the row size into account when deciding whether to chunk
       table data, only the number of rows. A table with a
       smaller number of rows containing large amounts of data
       might therefore bypass chunking even if the row size
       exceeded the specified chunk size for the dump. The
       utilities now carry out chunking regardless of the number
       of rows, unless the data is estimated to fit in a single
       chunk of the specified size. (Bug #31938831)

     * When MySQL Shell's instance dump utility
       util.dumpInstance() or schema dump utility
       util.dumpSchemas() was splitting a table into chunks, an
       integer overflow, loop, and consequent out of memory
       error could occur if the maximum value in the index
       column was close to the maximum value of an integer.
       Extra checks have now been added to avoid this situation.
       (Bug #31896448)

     * Corrupted SQL files could occur in MySQL Shell's dumps if
       the dumped string was exactly 2048 bytes, due to an
       internal module error which is now accounted for.

     * The administrative user account on an Oracle Cloud
       Infrastructure Compute instance, which was used when
       importing data with MySQL Shell's dump loading utility
       util.loadDump(), was unable to revoke privileges on MySQL
       system schemas (mysql and sys) that it did not have
       itself. Affected REVOKE statements are now stripped from
       an instance or schema dump created by MySQL Shell's
       instance dump utility util.dumpInstance() and schema dump
       utility util.dumpSchemas() when the
       strip_restricted_grants compatibility option is used.
       (Bug #31842532)

     * MySQL Shell's instance dump utility and schema dump
       utility, dumpInstance() and dumpSchemas(), previously
       fetched the value of the gtid_executed system variable
       before the read lock was established, which could
       potentially lead to an inconsistency with the dumped
       data. The GTID set is now retrieved while the read lock
       is active. (Bug #31706940)

     * From MySQL Shell 8.0.22, you can use the -pym
       command-line option to execute a specified Python module
       as a script in MySQL Shell's Python mode. --pym works in
       the same way as Python's -m command line option.

     * In MySQL Shell in Python mode, functions registered in
       JavaScript could not be called from global extension
       objects if they had optional arguments that were not
       provided. (Bug #31693096)

     * MySQL Shell treated the character sequence */ as the end
       of a comment even when it was part of a quoted string.
       (Bug #31689135)

     * MySQL Shell's instance dump utility and schema dump
       utility, dumpInstance() and dumpSchemas(), automatically
       select an index column to order and chunk the data. When
       an index with a functional key part was present for a
       table, the query for index columns returned NULL for the
       column name, causing an exception in the utility. These
       column names are now filtered out in the query.

     * MySQL Shell's parallel table import utility
       util.importTable() has a new option decodeColumns, and an
       enhancement to the columns option, to enable you to
       capture columns from the import file for input
       preprocessing (or to discard them) in the same way as
       with a LOAD DATA statement. The decodeColumns option
       specifies preprocessing transformations for the captured
       data in the same way as the SET clause of a LOAD DATA
       statement, and assigns them to columns in the target
       table. (Bug #31683641)

     * MySQL Shell's dump loading utility loadDump() now
       verifies that it can open and write to the progress state
       file before it starts to retrieve the dump files, so that
       the utility does not spend time fetching the dump files
       if the import is subsequently going to fail for that
       reason. (Bug #31667539)

     * Before MySQL 8.0, user accounts that have all privileges
       used the statement GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES, rather than the
       full list of privileges. When MySQL Shell's instance dump
       utility dumpInstance() was used to dump an instance, ALL
       PRIVILEGES was stripped from the statement, leaving the
       accounts with no privileges. The utility now replaces
       this grant with the administrator role. (Bug #31661180)

     * MySQL Shell's instance dump utility and schema dump
       utility, dumpInstance() and dumpSchemas(), and dump
       loading utility loadDump(), previously timed out after
       the main thread had been idle for 8 hours. The timeout
       has now been extended indefinitely (to 1 year) so that
       long data load times do not cause the dump or import to
       fail. (Bug #31652265)

     * MySQL Shell's dump loading utility loadDump() now
       includes a comment in its LOAD DATA statements to
       identify the data chunk that is currently being loaded.
       If you need to cancel the import, you can use this
       information to decide whether to let the import of this
       chunk complete or stop it immediately. (Bug #31646650)

     * Previously, MySQL Shell's dump loading utility loadDump()
       closed DDL files after all tables from the schema had
       finished loading. For a dump with a very large number of
       DDL files, this could lead to unexplained runtime errors
       being returned. The utility now closes DDL files
       immediately after reading them. (Bug #31645896)

     * MySQL Shell's dump loading utility loadDump() previously
       used only its main thread to execute the DDL scripts for
       tables. For a dump containing a large number of tables,
       fetching the DDL scripts could have a significant impact
       on the time taken. The utility now fetches and executes
       DDL scripts for tables using all its threads, with the
       exception of DDL scripts for views, which are fetched in
       parallel but executed only in the main thread to avoid
       race conditions. (Bug #31645806)

     * MySQL Shell's dump loading utility loadDump() now loads
       views in sequence and only after all tables and
       placeholders from all schemas have been loaded, ensuring
       that views do not reference items that do not yet exist.
       (Bug #31645792)

     * MySQL Shell now ignores any other available Python
       installations when a bundled compatible version of the
       Python interpreter has been installed. (Bug #31642521)

     * When MySQL Shell's dump loading utility loadDump() is
       importing users and their roles and grants, an error is
       now returned if the user already exists in the target
       instance, and the user's grants from the dump files are
       not applied. Previously, the grants were applied to the
       existing user. (Bug #31627432)

     * MySQL Shell's dump loading utility loadDump() now has an
       option updateGtidSet to apply the gtid_executed GTID set
       from the source MySQL instance to the gtid_purged GTID
       set on the target MySQL instance. You can append or
       replace the GTID set depending on the release of the
       target MySQL instance. (Bug #31627419)

     * MySQL Shell's instance dump utility dumpInstance() and
       dump loading utility loadDump() now have options to
       include (includeUsers) or exclude (excludeUsers ) named
       user accounts from the dump files or from the import. You
       can use these options to exclude user accounts that are
       not accepted for import to a MySQL DB System, or that
       already exist or are not wanted on the target MySQL
       instance. (Bug #31627292)

     * With the deferTableIndexes option set to all, MySQL
       Shell's dump loading utility loadDump() defers creation
       of all secondary indexes until after the table is loaded.
       Previously, a table with a unique key column containing
       an auto-increment value failed to load in this situation.
       The utility now also creates indexes defined on columns
       with auto-increment values when the deferTableIndexes
       option is set to all. (Bug #31602690)

     * The upload method used by MySQL Shell's instance dump
       utility util.dumpInstance() and schema dump utility
       util.dumpSchemas() to transfer files to an Oracle Cloud
       Infrastructure Object Storage bucket has a file size
       limit of 1.2 TiB. In MySQL Shell 8.0.21, the multipart
       size setting means that the numeric limit on multiple
       file parts applies first, creating a limit of
       approximately 640 GB. From MySQL Shell 8.0.22, the
       multipart size setting has been changed to allow the full
       file size limit. (Bug #31589858)

     * MySQL Shell's upgrade checker utility
       checkForServerUpgrade() now checks for the obsolete
       NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER SQL mode. (Bug #31501981, Bug #99903)

     * The parallelization of table loading by MySQL Shell's
       dump loading utility loadDump() has been improved.

     * If the settings for the server's global character set
       variables differed from the settings for the current
       session, MySQL Shell's parallel table import utility
       importTable() could not import data into a table created
       in the session whose name contained non-ASCII characters.
       Now, when the utility's characterSet option is specified,
       MySQL Shell executes a SET NAMES statement with the given
       value. (Bug #31412330)

     * MySQL Shell's parallel table import utility importTable()
       could not import data if the global SQL mode
       NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES was set. The utility now clears the
       global SQL mode in sessions created to run the import.
       (Bug #31407133)

     * When a function that was defined as a member of a MySQL
       Shell extension object had a number of optional
       parameters but no required parameters, in some situations
       calling the function with zero parameters or one
       parameter returned an error. (Bug #30744994)

     * MySQL Shell's db global object did not return the current
       schema when its properties were queried. (Bug #30296825,
       Bug #96839)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team,
Prashant Tekriwal

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Written By
MySQL Shell 8.0.22 for MySQL Server 8.0 and 5.7 has been released
October 19, 2020 09:16AM

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