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MySQL Community Server 8.0.17 has been released (part 1/3)
Posted by: Balasubramanian Kandasamy
Date: July 22, 2019 03:04AM

[Due to size limitation, this announcement is split in three parts. This is part 1]

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 8.0.17, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. MySQL 8.0.17 is
recommended for use on production systems.

For an overview of what's new in MySQL 8.0, please see

For information on installing MySQL 8.0.17 on new servers, please see
the MySQL installation documentation at

MySQL Server 8.0.17 is available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

MySQL Server 8.0.17 is also available from our repository for Linux
platforms, go here for details:

Windows packages are available via the Installer for Windows:

along with .ZIP (no-install) packages for more advanced needs.

8.0.17 also comes with a web installer as an alternative to the full

The web installer doesn't come bundled with any actual products
and instead relies on download-on-demand to fetch only the
products you choose to install. This makes the initial download
much smaller but increases install time as the individual products
will need to be downloaded.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc.:

The following link lists the changes in the MySQL 8.0 since
the release of MySQL 8.0.16. It may also be viewed
online at


Changes in MySQL 8.0.17 (2019-07-22, General Availability)

     * Audit Log Notes

     * C API Notes

     * Character Set Support

     * Component Notes

     * Configuration Notes

     * Debugging Notes

     * Deprecation and Removal Notes

     * Installation Notes

     * Keyring Notes

     * Packaging Notes

     * Performance Schema Notes

     * Plugin Notes

     * X Plugin Notes

     * Functionality Added or Changed

     * Bugs Fixed

Audit Log Notes

     * Encryption and decryption operations for encrypted MySQL
       Enterprise Audit log files use a password stored in the
       MySQL keyring. Previously, only a single password was
       stored. Generating a new password made the old password
       inaccessible, rendering MySQL Enterprise Audit unable to
       read log files encrypted with the old password. MySQL
       Enterprise Audit now archives old passwords to maintain a
       password history in the keyring, and includes in each
       encrypted log file name the ID of the password required
       to read the file. To enable expiration and cleanup of old
       archived passwords in the keyring, the new
       audit_log_password_history_keep_days system variable is
       available. See Audit Log Logging Configuration

C API Notes

     * These C API changes were made:

          + HOSTNAME_LENGTH was changed from 60 to 255 and moved
            from include/mysql_com.h to include/my_hostname.h.

          + USER_HOST_BUFF_SIZE was moved from
            include/mysql_com.h to sql/auth/auth_common.h.
       (Bug #29590300)

Character Set Support

     * The utf8mb4 character set has a new binary collation,
       utf8mb4_0900_bin, which differs from the existing
       utf8mb4_bin binary collation as follows:

          + For collating weights, utf8mb4_bin uses code points,
            possibly with leading zero bytes added, whereas
            utf8mb4_0900_bin uses the utf8mb4 encoding bytes.
            The sort order is the same for both collations, but
            sorting for utf8mb4_0900_bin is much faster.

          + The pad attribute for utf8mb4_bin is PAD SPACE,
            whereas for utf8mb4_0900_bin it is NO PAD.
            Consequently, operations involving utf8mb4_0900_bin
            do not add trailing spaces, and comparisons
            involving strings with trailing spaces may differ
            for the two collations.
       For more information, see Unicode Character Sets

Component Notes

     * A new mysql_current_thread_reader component service is
       available to enable server components to obtain a handle
       to the current thread. For example, the service enables
       components to access properties of the current session by
       passing its thread handle to other services. For
       information about this service, see the Component
       Subsystem section of the MySQL Server Doxygen
       documentation, available at

Configuration Notes

     * The source files in the mysys_ssl directory have been
       moved to the mysys directory and the mysys_ssl library is
       no longer built. (Bug #29488066)

     * MySQL configuration now requires a minimum CMake version
       of 3.5.1. (Bug #29337090)

     * The maximum permitted length of host names throughout
       MySQL has been raised to 255 ASCII characters, up from
       the previous limit of 60 characters. This applies to, for
       example, host name-related columns in the data
       dictionary, mysql system schema, Performance Schema,
       INFORMATION_SCHEMA, and sys schema; the MASTER_HOST value
       for the CHANGE MASTER TO statement; the Host column in
       SHOW PROCESSLIST statement output; host names in account
       names (such as used in account-management statements and
       in DEFINER attributes); and host name-related command
       options and system variables.

          + The increase in permitted host name length can
            affect tables with indexes on host name columns. For
            example, tables in the mysql system schema that
            index host names now have an explicit ROW_FORMAT
            attribute of DYNAMIC to accommodate longer index

          + Some file name-valued configuration settings might
            be constructed based on the server host name. The
            permitted values are constrained by the underlying
            operating system, which may not permit file names
            long enough to include 255-character host names.
            This affects the general_log_file, log_error,
            pid_file, relay_log, and slow_query_log_file system
            variables and corresponding options. If host
            name-based values are too long for the OS, explicit
            shorter values must be provided.

          + Although the server now supports 255-character host
            names, connections to the server established using
            the --ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY option are
            constrained by maximum host name length supported by
            OpenSSL. Host name matches pertain to two fields of
            SSL certificates, which have maximum lengths as
            follows: Common Name: maximum length 64; Subject
            Alternative Name: maximum length as per RFC#1034.
       Applications that expect host names to be a maximum of 60
       characters should be adjusted to account for this change.
       (Bug #13548245, Bug #63814, Bug #27925782, Bug #90601,
       Bug #27955121, Bug #29584642, Bug #29602081, Bug #94907)

Debugging Notes

     * The MySQL server is a multithreaded application that uses
       numerous internal locking primitives such as mutexes. To
       enable detection of lock-acquisition deadlocks and
       enforcement that runtime execution is free of them, MySQL
       now supports LOCK_ORDER tooling. This enables a
       lock-order dependency graph to be defined as part of
       server design, and server runtime checking to ensure that
       lock acquisition is acyclic and that execution paths
       comply with the graph. LOCK_ORDER support includes:

          + A lock_order_dependencies.txt file that defines the
            server lock-order dependency graph.

          + A WITH_LOCK_ORDER CMake option that configures
            whether MySQL is built with LOCK_ORDER tooling.

          + A set of system variables that configure LOCK_ORDER
            tool operation during server execution.

          + A --lock-order option for that
            controls whether to enable the LOCK_ORDER tool
            during test case execution.
       To use the LOCK_ORDER tool, you must build MySQL from
       source with tooling enabled. See The LOCK_ORDER Tool
       It is intended for debugging the server, not for
       production use.

Deprecation and Removal Notes

     * FLOAT(M,D) and DOUBLE(M,D) syntax to specify the number
       of digits for columns of type FLOAT and DOUBLE (and any
       synonyms) is a nonstandard MySQL extension. This syntax
       is deprecated and support for it will be removed in a
       future MySQL version. (Bug #25328973, Bug #84363)

     * For string data types, the BINARY attribute is a
       nonstandard MySQL extension that is shorthand for
       specifying the binary (_bin) collation of the column
       character set (or of the table default character set if
       no column character set is specified). In MySQL 8.0, this
       nonstandard use of BINARY is ambiguous because the
       utf8mb4 character set has multiple _bin collations, so
       the BINARY attribute is deprecated and support for it
       will be removed in a future MySQL version. Applications
       should be adjusted to use an explicit _bin collation
       The use of BINARY to specify a data type or character set
       remains unchanged.

     * The nonstandard C-style &&, ||, and ! operators that are
       synonyms for the standard SQL AND, OR, and NOT operators,
       respectively, are deprecated and support for them will be
       removed in a future MySQL version. Applications that use
       the nonstandard operators should be adjusted to use the
       standard operators.
       Use of || is deprecated unless the PIPES_AS_CONCAT SQL
       mode is enabled. In that case, || signifies the
       SQL-standard string concatenation operator).

     * The ZEROFILL attribute is deprecated for numeric data
       types, as is the display width attribute for integer data
       types. Support for ZEROFILL and display widths for
       integer data types will be removed in a future MySQL
       version. Consider using an alternative means of producing
       the effect of these attributes. For example, applications
       could use the LPAD() function to zero-pad numbers up to
       the desired width, or they could store the formatted
       numbers in CHAR columns.

     * The UNSIGNED attribute is deprecated for columns of type
       FLOAT, DOUBLE, and DECIMAL (and any synonyms) and will be
       removed in a future MySQL version. Consider using a
       simple CHECK constraint instead for such columns.

     * AUTO_INCREMENT support is deprecated for columns of type
       FLOAT and DOUBLE (and any synonyms) and will be removed
       in a future MySQL version. Consider removing the
       AUTO_INCREMENT attribute from such columns, or convert
       them to an integer type.

     * The SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS query modifier and accompanying
       FOUND_ROWS() function are now deprecated and will be
       removed in a future MySQL version. As a replacement,
       considering executing your query with LIMIT, and then a
       second query with COUNT(*) and without LIMIT to determine
       whether there are additional rows. For example, instead
       of these queries:

       Use these queries instead:
SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE id > 100 LIMIT 10;

       COUNT(*) is subject to certain optimizations.
       SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS causes some optimizations to be

Installation Notes

     * An automatic upgrade at server startup can take some time
       to complete. For better status notification in systemd
       environments, the server now sends messages to the system
       notification socket when upgrades start and end. (Status
       can be monitored with server mysqld status.) (Bug

Keyring Notes

     * The keyring_aws plugin has been updated to use the latest
       AWS SDK and so that it works with OpenSSL 1.1.

Packaging Notes

     * To reduce the download size and disk footprint of
       mysql-community-server Linux packages, debug binaries and
       plugins have been moved to separate packages for these

          + EL8, Fedora: The mysql-community-server package with
            debug binaries and associated plugins is now split
            into a mysql-community-server package without debug
            binaries or plugins and a
            mysql-community-server-debug package with debug
            binaries and plugins.

          + Debian: The mysql-community-server package with
            debug binaries and associated plugins is now split
            into a mysql-community-server package without debug
            binaries or plugins, a mysql-community-server-debug
            package with debug binaries, and a
            mysql-community-test-debug package with debug
       In all cases, the debug packages are dependent on the
       corresponding mysql-community-server package. (Bug
       #29769061, Bug #28647754, Bug #92415, Bug #29702765, Bug
       #95169, Bug #29681301)

Performance Schema Notes

     * Performance Schema version checking at compile time was
       improved to prevent incompatibilities with the server
       version. (Bug #29550156)

     * Previously, the Performance Schema instrumentation for
       RWLOCK named priority read/write locks as rwlock (thus
       failing to distinguish plain from priority locks) and did
       not collect information about the kind of unlock
       operation performed. Priority read/write locks now are
       named prlock, so that events for them begin with
       wait/synch/prlock. Also, information about unlock
       operations is provided. (Bug #29270712)

Plugin Notes

     * Not all plugins can operate properly if loaded "early" in
       the server startup sequence using the --early-plugin-load
       option (that is, before InnoDB is initialized). However,
       InnoDB requires keyring backend plugins to operate on
       encrypted tables. To enable plugins to indicate to the
       server whether they can be loaded early, a new
       PLUGIN_OPT_ALLOW_EARLY flag is available for use in the
       plugin descriptor. See Server Plugin Library and Plugin
       Keyring plugins included in MySQL distributions now have the
       PLUGIN_OPT_ALLOW_EARLY flag enabled because InnoDB
       requires them, but the flag is not limited to keyring
       plugins. It can be set for other plugins that are able to
       initialize successfully early in the server startup
       This flag has no effect on whether a plugin can be loaded
       at server startup with the --plugin-load or
       --plugin-load-add option, or at runtime with the INSTALL
       PLUGIN statement.
       All plugins compiled using MySQL distributions prior to
       8.0.17 do not have this flag set. When loading these into
       pre-8.0.17 servers this does not matter, but attempts to
       use --early-plugin-load to load plugin binaries compiled
       using pre-8.0.17 MySQL distributions into a 8.0.17 or
       higher server will fail. The plugins must be recompiled
       against MySQL 8.0.17 or higher. (Bug #29040456, Bug

X Plugin Notes

     * The createIndex() method did not support the DOUBLE(M,D)
       syntax for specifying double-precision values due to a
       regression in MySQL 8.0.16. (Bug #29748841)

     * X Protocol's handling of messages with arguments encoded
       as octets was corrected to support non-scalar data such
       as an array of strings. (Bug #29721046)

     * When host name identity verification was active for SSL
       connections (--ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY), X Protocol did
       not check for matches to Subject Alternative Names (SANs)
       in the server Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.
       This could lead to connection requests being rejected
       unnecessarily because they used a valid host name that
       was specified as an SAN rather than as the certificate's
       Common Name value. (Bug #29691694)

     * When prepared statements were used with X Plugin, using
       IN or NOT IN in a modify or find operation produced
       invalid JSON, resulting in an error. (Bug #29259501)

     * On Windows, X Plugin logged some messages that were
       unnecessary or insufficiently informative. The messages
       have been removed or improved as appropriate. (Bug

     * X Plugin's list of SQL functions was out of date, and has
       been updated to add new functions and remove functions
       that are no longer available. (Bug #26574971)

Functionality Added or Changed

     * InnoDB; JSON: InnoDB now supports multi-valued indexes on
       JSON arrays. A multi-valued index is an index in which
       multiple index records can point to the same data record.
       This can be useful for indexing JSON documents such as
       {user:"Bob",zipcode:[94477,94536]} in which, if we wish
       to search all zip codes, it is necessary to have two
       index records for each zip code in the document. We can
       create such an index on the zipcode array using a CREATE
       INDEX statement such as this one:
CREATE INDEX zips ON t1( (CAST(data->'$.zipcode' AS UNSIGNED ARRAY)) )

       Effectively, this is a functional index using the CAST()
       function, which has been extended with the ARRAY keyword
       to enable casting of JSON arrays to SQL data type arrays.
       The path expression must be a valid JSON path, and must
       point to an array in the JSON document in order to be
       effective. All type specifiers supported by CAST() can be
       used except for BINARY. Such usage of the CAST() function
       is supported only by InnoDB, and only for creating
       multi-valued indexes on JSON arrays.
       As part of this work, MySQL adds a new function
       JSON_OVERLAPS() as well as a new MEMBER OF() operator for
       working with JSON documents, as described here:

          + JSON_OVERLAPS() compares two JSON documents. If they
            contain any key-value pairs or array elements in
            common, the function returns TRUE (1); otherwise it
            returns FALSE (0). If both values are scalars, the
            function performs a simple test for equality. If one
            argument is a JSON array and the other is a scalar,
            the scalar is treated as an array element. Thus,
            JSON_OVERLAPS() acts as a complement to

          + MEMBER OF() tests whether the first operand (a
            scalar or JSON document) is a member of the JSON
            array passed as the second operand, returning TRUE
            (1) if it is, and FALSE (0) if it is not. No type
            conversion of the operand is performed.
       The MySQL optimizer uses multi-valued indexes
       automatically for any suitable query---that is, a query
       using in its WHERE clause any of JSON_CONTAINS(),
       JSON_OVERLAPS(), or MEMBER OF() on an array within a JSON
       column. You can see whether such an index is actually
       used by checking the output of EXPLAIN for the given
       Multi-Valued Indexes
       provides more detailed information about multi-valued indexes, including
       examples. For more information about JSON_OVERLAPS() and
       MEMBER OF(), with examples of use, see Functions That
       Search JSON Values

     * Microsoft Windows: A new warning message now reminds DBAs
       that connections made using the MySQL named pipe on
       Windows has limited the permissions a connector can
       request on the named pipe.
       Previously, the named_pipe_full_access_group system
       variable was set to a value that maps to the built-in
       Windows Everyone group (SID S-1-1-0) by default. However,
       this group is not ideal and should be replaced with a
       group that restricts its membership for connectors that
       are unable to request fewer permissions on the MySQL
       named pipe.
       The new warning is written to the error log at startup if
       the string value assigned to named_pipe_full_access_group
       is '*everyone*' (or the Windows System Language
       equivalent) and named pipes are enabled. In addition, the
       warning is written to the error log and raised to the
       client if the system variable is reset to the Everyone
       group at runtime.

     * X DevAPI: For Collection objects, the following methods
       have been deprecated and are scheduled to be removed in a
       future release:

          + Collection.find().where()

          + Collection.modify().where()

          + Collection.remove().where()
       Any Collection code relying on the .where() method should
       be updated and the expression in the .where() method
       should be provided directly in the appropriate .find(),
       .remove(), and .modify() method.

     * JSON: MySQL now supports JSON schema validation using two
       functions JSON_SCHEMA_VALID() and
       JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_REPORT(), both of which validate a
       JSON document against a JSON schema conforming to Draft 4
       of the JSON Schema specification. JSON_SCHEMA_VALID()
       returns true if the document validates against the schema
       and false if it does not. JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_REPORT()
       returns a JSON document containing detailed information
       about the results of the validation.
       For both of these functions, the following statements

          + required attributes are supported.

          + Regular expressions are supported (invalid
            expressions are silently ignored).

          + External resources in schemas and the $ref keyword
            are not supported.
       For more information, including examples, see JSON Schema
       Validation Functions

     * The time_zone session variable is now hintable using the
       SET_VAR optimizer hint. (Bug #29776464)

     * The minor version of the C client
       library has been increased to 1 (21.0 to 21.1), to signal
       that new symbols have been added. This was done to
       correct an oversight in the MySQL 8.0.16 release. To
       address compatibility concerns, the version of all
       symbols is unchanged. This means the filename of the
       library is, whereas all symbols
       inside the library are tagged as 21_0 (unchanged from the
       8.0.16 release). (Bug #29584073, Bug #29642146)

     * Thanks to Josh Braden, Daniël van Eeden, Simon Mudd, and
       Zhou Mengkang, who contributed corrections to comments
       and messages in the MySQL source code. (Bug #29403708,
       Bug #94464, Bug #29428435, Bug #94527, Bug #29262200, Bug
       #94049, Bug #29468128, Bug #94625)

     * The mysql client program now sends os_user and
       os_sudouser connection attributes, when available, to
       indicate the name of the operating system user running
       the program and the value of the SUDO_USER environment
       variable, respectively. For general information about
       connection attributes, see Performance Schema Connection
       Attribute Tables
       Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for the contribution on which this feature was
       based. (Bug #29210935, Bug #93916)

     * Password hash values displayed in the IDENTIFIED WITH
       clause of output from SHOW CREATE USER may contain
       unprintable characters that have adverse effects on
       terminal displays and in other environments. Enabling the
       new print_identified_with_as_hex system variable causes
       SHOW CREATE USER to display such hash values as
       hexadecimal strings rather than as regular string
       literals. Hash values that do not contain unprintable
       characters still display as regular string literals, even
       with this variable enabled. For compatibility with this
       change, CREATE USER and ALTER USER now accept hash values
       specified either as regular string literals or as
       hexadecimal strings. (Bug #28053446, Bug #90947)

     * In MySQL 8.0, the lower_case_table_names variable can
       only be configured when the MySQL server is initialized.
       Because a MySQL server installation on Debian and Ubuntu
       performed using APT initializes the MySQL server for you,
       there was no opportunity to enable
       lower_case_table_names. To work around this issue, you
       can now use the debconf-set-selection utility to enable
       lower_case_table_names (set lower_case_table_names=1)
       prior to installing MySQL using APT.
       To enable lower_case_table_names prior to installing
       MySQL using APT, execute the following command:
shell> sudo debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-server mysql-server/lowe
rcase-table-names select Enabled

       (Bug #27948395, Bug #90695)

     * The server now checks the SSL server certificate better
       at startup and writes a warning to the error log if it
       finds a problem. (Bug #25945005)

     * The umask for files created using SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE
       or SELECT ... INTO DUMPFILE was changed from 0666 to
       0640. The LOAD_FILE() function no longer requires files
       to be world-readable, just readable by the server. (Bug

     * The mysqldump option --set-gtid-purged controls whether
       or not a SET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged statement is added to
       the mysqldump output. The statement updates the value of
       gtid_purged on a server where the dump file is reloaded,
       to add the GTID set from the source server's
       gtid_executed system variable. A new choice
       --set-gtid-purged=COMMENTED is now available. When this
       value is set, if GTIDs are enabled on the server you are
       backing up, SET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged is added to the
       output (unless gtid_executed is empty), but it is
       commented out. This means that the value of gtid_executed
       is available in the output, but no action is taken
       automatically when the dump file is reloaded. With
       COMMENTED, you can control the use of the gtid_executed
       set manually or through automation. For example, you
       might prefer to do this if you are migrating data to
       another server that already has different active
       databases. Thanks to Facebook for this contribution. (Bug
       #94332, Bug #29357665)

     * MySQL now supports explicit casts to DOUBLE, FLOAT, and
       REAL using either of the functions CAST() or CONVERT().
       For more information, see Cast Functions and Operators
       (Bug #30524, Bug #11747058)

     * InnoDB now supports redo log archiving. Backup utilities
       that copy redo log records may sometimes fail to keep
       pace with redo log generation while a backup operation is
       in progress, resulting in lost redo log records due to
       those records being overwritten. The redo log archiving
       feature addresses this issue by sequentially writing redo
       log records to an archive file. Backup utilities can copy
       redo log records from the archive file as necessary,
       thereby avoiding the potential loss of data.
       For more information, see Redo Log Archiving

     * To provide additional indexing options for JSON data,
       InnoDB now supports multi-value indexes. A multi-value
       index is a secondary index defined on a column that
       contains an array of values.

     * MySQL now provides a clone plugin that permits cloning
       InnoDB data locally or from a remote MySQL server
       instance. A local cloning operation stores cloned data on
       the same server or node where the MySQL instance runs. A
       remote cloning operation transfers cloned data over the
       network from a donor MySQL server instance to the
       recipient server or node where the cloning operation was
       The clone plugin supports replication. In addition to
       cloning data, a cloning operation extracts and transfers
       replication coordinates from the donor and applies them
       on the recipient, which enables using the clone plugin
       for provisioning Group Replication members and
       replication slaves. Using the clone plugin for
       provisioning is considerably faster and more efficient
       than replicating a large number of transactions. Group
       Replication members can also be configured to use the
       clone plugin as an alternative method of recovery, so
       that members automatically choose the most efficient way
       to retrieve group data from seed members.
       For more information, see The Clone Plugin
       and Cloning for Distributed Recovery

     * The compatibility policies that Group Replication
       implements for member versions in groups now consider the
       patch version of a member's MySQL Server release.
       Previously, only the major version was considered. Using
       the patch version means Group Replication can better
       maintain replication safety for mixed version groups
       during group reconfigurations and upgrade procedures.
       The compatibility policies are applied when a member
       joins the group, either for the first time or following
       its upgrade, when a donor is selected for state transfer,
       and when a primary member election takes place. Members
       running MySQL 8.0.16 or lower, or MySQL 5.7, only take
       into account the major version in these situations. For a
       primary member election, so that all members come to the
       same decision, members running releases from MySQL 8.0.17
       adjust their policies to match members running lower
       releases if any are in the group.
       In a multi-primary mode group where members running
       multiple MySQL Server versions are online, for example
       during a rolling online upgrade procedure, Group
       Replication now automatically manages the read-write and
       read-only status of members running releases from MySQL
       8.0.17. If a member leaves the group, the members running
       the version that is now the lowest are automatically set
       to read-write mode. When you change a mixed version group
       that was running in single-primary mode to run in
       multi-primary mode, using the
       group_replication_switch_to_multi_primary_mode() UDF,
       Group Replication automatically sets members to
       read-write or read-only mode depending on their MySQL
       server version.
       The improved compatibility policies influence the
       behavior of group members during an online upgrade
       procedure from one patch version to another, in the same
       ways as the behavior during upgrades from one major
       version to another was influenced previously. For a
       multi-primary mode group, the number of members in
       read-write mode is reduced during the upgrade procedure,
       but Group Replication now automatically manages their
       read-write status when the upgrade is complete. For a
       single-primary mode group, if you want the primary to
       remain as the primary, it must be upgraded last.

     * Group Replication can now use a remote cloning operation
       for state transfer to a joining member during distributed
       recovery. The remote cloning operation lets you add new
       members to the group without transferring the group's
       data to the server manually beforehand. To use this
       functionality, you must install the Clone plugin on the
       donor and joining member, grant the BACKUP_ADMIN
       permission to the replication user for distributed
       recovery, and set the new
       group_replication_clone_threshold system variable to an
       appropriate level. Group Replication automatically
       configures the required Clone plugin settings and manages
       the remote cloning operation. When cloning is complete
       and the joining member has restarted, the transactions
       that the group applied while the remote cloning operation
       was in progress are transferred to the joining member by
       replication from a donor's binary log, to complete
       distributed recovery.

     * Data that is held in the binary log transaction and
       statement caches during a transaction is in unencrypted
       format in the memory buffer that stores the cache. The
       data is written to a temporary file on disk if it exceeds
       the space available in the memory buffer. From MySQL
       8.0.17, when binary log encryption is active on the
       server (binlog_encryption=ON), the temporary files used
       for the binary log cache are now encrypted using AES-CTR
       (AES Counter mode) for stream encryption. Because the
       temporary files are volatile and tied to a single
       process, they are encrypted using single-tier encryption,
       using a randomly generated file password and
       initialization vector that exist only in memory and are
       never stored on disk or in the keyring. After each
       transaction is committed, the binary log cache is reset:
       the memory buffer is cleared, any temporary file used to
       hold the binary log cache is truncated, and a new file
       password and initialization vector are randomly generated
       for use with the next transaction. This reset also takes
       place when the server is restarted after a normal
       shutdown or an unexpected halt.

     * An incomplete SQL predicate has the form WHERE value, in
       which value is a column name or constant expression and
       no comparison operator is used. MySQL now rewrites any
       predicate of this type internally as WHERE value != 0
       during the contextualization phase, so that the query
       resolver, query optimizer, and query executor need work
       only with complete predicates. The principal visible
       effect of this change is that, for Boolean values,
       EXPLAIN output now shows true and false, rather than 1
       and 0.

     * The optimizer now transforms a WHERE condition having NOT
       IN (subquery), NOT EXISTS (subquery), IN (subquery) IS
       NOT TRUE, or EXISTS (subquery) IS NOT TRUE internally
       into an antijoin, thus removing the subquery. This is
       similar to the existing IS NULL (Not exists) outer join
       optimization; see EXPLAIN Extra Information
       for further information.
       In addition, the semijoin materialization can now be used
       for a WHERE condition having IN (subquery) IS TRUE, or
       EXISTS (subquery) IS TRUE, or when the IN condition
       belongs to a left join such as SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN
       t2 ON t2.x IN (SELECT * FROM t3). See Optimizing IN and
       EXISTS Subquery predicates with Semijoin Transformations
       Also as a result of this work, MySQL is now able to
       simplify a condition of the form (x IS TRUE) IS FALSE as
       x IS NOT TRUE, which can be tested more quickly and
       optimized more easily than the condition as originally

     * InnoDB parallel read thread performance for large data
       sets was improved through better utilization of read
       threads, through a reduction in read thread I/O for
       prefetch activity that occurs during parallel scans, and
       through support for parallel scanning of partitions.
       The parallel read thread feature is controlled by the
       innodb_parallel_read_threads variable. The maximum
       setting is now 256, which is the total number of threads
       for all client connections. If the thread limit is
       reached, connections fall back to using a single thread.

     * mysqlbinlog now supports the --compress (or -C) option to
       enable compression in the client/server protocol.

[To be continued]

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MySQL Community Server 8.0.17 has been released (part 1/3)
July 22, 2019 03:04AM

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