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MySQL Cluster 8.0.23 has been released
Posted by: Hery Ramilison
Date: January 18, 2021 12:14PM

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

  - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance (with optional
    checkpointing to disk)
  - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
  - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication

  - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
    and on-line maintenance
  - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http, Memcached
    and JavaScript/Node.js)

MySQL Cluster 8.0.23 has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !

Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0.23 (2021-01-18, General Availability)

   MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0.23 is a new release of NDB 8.0, based
   on MySQL Server 8.0 and including features in version 8.0 of
   the NDB storage engine, as well as fixing recently discovered
   bugs in previous NDB Cluster releases.

   Obtaining NDB Cluster 8.0.  NDB Cluster 8.0 source code and
   binaries can be obtained from

   For an overview of changes made in NDB Cluster 8.0, see What
   is New in NDB Cluster

   This release also incorporates all bug fixes and changes made
   in previous NDB Cluster releases, as well as all bug fixes
   and feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL 8.0
   through MySQL 8.0.23 (see Changes in MySQL 8.0.23 (2021-01-18,
   General Availability)

Deprecation and Removal Notes

     * Important Change: As part of the terminology changes
       begun in MySQL 8.0.21 and NDB 8.0.21, the
       ndb_slave_conflict_role system variable is now
       deprecated, and is being replaced with ndb_conflict_role.
       In addition, a number of status variables have been
       deprecated and are being replaced, as shown in the
       following table:
       Table 1 Deprecated NDB status variables and their

       Deprecated variable Replacement
          Ndb_api_pk_op_count_slave Ndb_api_pk_op_count_replica
          Ndb_api_read_row_count_slave Ndb_api_read_row_count_replica
          Ndb_api_uk_op_count_slave Ndb_api_uk_op_count_replica
       Also as part of this work, the
       ndbinfo.table_distribution_status table's tab_copy_status
       column values ADD_TABLE_MASTER and ADD_TABLE_SLAVE are
       deprecated, and replaced by, respectively,
       Finally, the --help output of some NDB utility programs
       such as ndb_restore has been updated. (Bug #31571031)

     * NDB Client Programs: Effective with this release, the
       MySQL NDB Cluster Auto-Installer ( has been
       removed from the NDB Cluster binary and source
       distributions, and is no longer supported. (Bug
       References: See also: Bug #31888835.

     * ndbmemcache: ndbmemcache, which was deprecated in the
       previous release of NDB Cluster, has now been removed
       from NDB Cluster, and is no longer supported. (Bug

Functionality Added or Changed

     * As part of work previously done in NDB 8.0, the metadata
       check performed as part of auto-synchronization between
       the representation of an NDB table in the NDB dictionary
       and its counterpart in the MySQL data dictionary has been
       extended to include, in addition to table-level
       properties, the properties of columns, indexes, and
       foreign keys. (This check is also made by a debug MySQL
       server when performing a CREATE TABLE statement, and when
       opening an NDB table.)
       As part of this work, any mismatches found between an
       object's properties in the NDB dictionary and the MySQL
       data dictionary are now written to the MySQL error log.
       The error log message includes the name of the property,
       its value in the NDB dictionary, and its value in the
       MySQL data dictionary. If the object is a column, index,
       or foreign key, the object's type is also indicated in
       the message.

     * The ThreadConfig parameter has been extended with two new
       thread types, query threads and recovery threads,
       intended for scaleout of LDM threads. The number of query
       threads must be a multiple of the number of LDM threads,
       up to a maximum of 3 times the number of LDM threads.
       It is also now possible when setting ThreadConfig to
       combine the main and rep threads into a single thread by
       setting either or both of these arguments to 0.
       When one of these arguments is set to 0 but the other
       remains set to 1, the resulting combined thread is named
       main_rep. When both are set to 0, they are combined with
       the recv thread (assuming that recv to 1), and this
       combined thread is named main_rep_recv. These thread
       names are those shown when checking the threads table in
       the ndbinfo information database.
       In addition, the maximums for a number of existing thread
       types have been increased. The new maximums are: LDM
       threads: 332; TC threads: 128; receive threads: 64; send
       threads: 64; main threads: 2. (The maximums for query
       threads and recovery threads are 332 each.) Maximums for
       other thread types remain unchanged from previous NDB
       Cluster releases.
       Another change related to this work causes NDB to employ
       mutexes for protecting job buffers when more than 32
       block threads are in use. This may cause a slight
       decrease in performance (roughly 1 to 2 percent), but
       also results in a decrease in the amount of memory used
       by very large configurations. For example, a setup with
       64 threads which used 2 GB of job buffer memory
       previously should now require only about 1 GB instead. In
       our testing this has resulted in an overall improvement
       (on the order of 5 percent) in the execution of very
       complex queries.
       For more information, see the descriptions of the
       arguments to the ThreadConfig parameter discussed
       previously, and of the ndbinfo.threads table.

     * This release adds the possibility of configuring the
       threads for multi-threaded data nodes (ndbmtd)
       automatically by implementing a new data node
       configuration parameter AutomaticThreadConfig. When set
       to 1, NDB sets up the thread assignments automatically,
       based on the number of processors available to
       applications. If the system does not limit the number of
       processors, you can do this by setting NumCPUs to the
       desired number. Automatic thread configuration makes it
       unnecessary to set any values for ThreadConfig or
       MaxNoOfExecutionThreads in config.ini; if
       AutomaticThreadConfig is enabled, settings for either of
       these parameters are not used.
       As part of this work, a set of tables providing
       information about hardware and CPU availability and usage
       by NDB data nodes have been added to the ndbinfo
       information database. These tables, along with a brief
       description of the information provided by each, are
       listed here:

          + cpudata: CPU usage during the past second

          + cpudata_1sec: CPU usage per second over the past 20

          + cpudata_20sec: CPU usage per 20-second interval over
            the past 400 seconds

          + cpudata_50ms: CPU usage per 50-millisecond interval
            during the past second

          + cpuinfo: The CPU on which the data node executes

          + hwinfo: The hardware on the host where the data node
       Not all of the tables listed are available on all
       platforms supported by NDB Cluster:

          + The cpudata, cpudata_1sec, cpudata_20sec, and
            cpudata_50ms tables are available only on Linux and
            Solaris operating systems.

          + The cpuinfo table is not available on FreeBSD or

     * Added statistical information in the DBLQH block which is
       employed to track the use of key lookups and scans, as
       well as tracking queries from DBTC and DBSPJ. By
       detecting situations in which the load is high, but in
       which there is not actually any need to decrease the
       number of rows scanned per realtime break, rather than
       checking the size of job buffer queues to decide how many
       rows to scan, this makes it possible to scan more rows
       when there is no CPU congestion. This helps improve
       performance and realtime behaviour when handling high

     * A new method for handling table partitions and fragments
       is introduced, such that the number of local data
       managers (LDMs) for a given data node can determined
       independently of the number of redo log parts, and that
       the number of LDMs can now be highly variable. NDB
       employs this method when the ClassicFragmentation data
       node configuration parameter, implemented as part of this
       work, is set to false. When this is done, the number of
       LDMs is no longer used to determine how many partitions
       to create for a table per data node; instead, the
       PartitionsPerNode parameter, also introduced in this
       release, now determines this number, which is now used
       for calculating how many fragments a table should have.
       When ClassicFragmentation has its default value true,
       then the traditional method of using the number of LDMs
       is used to determine how many fragments a table should
       For more information, see Multi-Threading Configuration
       Parameters (ndbmtd)

Bugs Fixed

     * macOS: Removed a number of compiler warnings which
       occurred when building NDB for Mac OS X. (Bug #31726693)

     * Microsoft Windows: Removed a compiler warning C4146:
       unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result
       still unsigned from Visual Studio 2013 found in
       storage\ndb\src\kernel\blocks\dbacc\dbaccmain.cpp. (Bug

     * Solaris: Due to a source-level error, atomic_swap_32()
       was supposed to be specified but was not actually used
       for Solaris builds of NDB Cluster. (Bug #31765608)

     * NDB Replication: After issuing RESET REPLICA ALL / RESET
       SLAVE ALL, NDB failed to detect that the replica had
       restarted. (Bug #31515760)

     * NDB Cluster APIs: Removed redundant usage of strlen() in
       the implementation of NdbDictionary and related internal
       classes in the NDB API. (Bug #100936, Bug #31930362)

     * MySQL NDB ClusterJ: When a DomainTypeHandler was
       instantiated by a SessionFactory, it was stored locally
       in a static map, typeToHandlerMap. If multiple, distinct
       SessionFactories for separate connections to the data
       nodes were obtained by a ClusterJ application, the static
       typeToHandlerMap would be shared by all those factories.
       When one of the SessionFactories was closed, the
       connections it created were closed and any tables opened
       by the connections were cleared from NDB API global
       cache. However, the typeToHandlerMap was not cleared, and
       through it the other SessionFactories keep accessing the
       DomainTypeHandlers of tables that had already been
       cleared. These obsolete DomainTypeHandlers contained
       invalid NdbTable references and any ndbapi calls using
       those table references ended up with errors.
       This patch fixes the issue by making the typeToHandlerMap
       and the related proxyInterfacesToDomainClassMap maps
       local to a SessionFactory, so that they are cleared when
       the SessionFactory is closed. (Bug #31710047)

     * MySQL NDB ClusterJ: Setting
       com.mysql.clusterj.connection.pool.size=0 made
       connections to an NDB Cluster fail. With this fix,
       setting com.mysql.clusterj.connection.pool.size=0
       disables connection pooling as expected, so that every
       request for a SessionFactory results in the creation of a
       new factory and separate connections to the cluster can
       be created using the same connection string. (Bug
       #21370745, Bug #31721416)

     * When calling disk_page_abort_prealloc(), the callback
       from this internal function is ignored, and so removal of
       the operation record for the LQHKEYREQ signal proceeds
       without waiting. This left the table subject to removal
       before the callback had completed, leading to a failure
       in PGMAN when the page was retrieved from disk.
       To avoid this, we add an extra usage count for the table
       especially for this page cache miss; this count is
       decremented as soon as the page cache miss returns. This
       means that we guarantee that the table is still present
       when returning from the disk read. (Bug #32146931)

     * Using the maximum size of an index key supported by index
       statistics (3056 bytes) caused buffer issues in data
       nodes. (Bug #32094904)
       References: See also: Bug #25038373.

     * NDB now prefers CLOCK_MONOTONIC which on Linux is
       adjusted by frequency changes but is not updated during
       suspend. On MacOS, NDB instead uses CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW
       which is the same, except that it is not affected by any
       In addition, when intializing NdbCondition the monotonic
       clock to use is taken directly from NdbTick, rather than
       re-executing the same preprocessor logic used by NdbTick.
       (Bug #32073826)

     * ndb_restore terminated unexpectedly when run with the
       --decrypt option on big-endian systems. (Bug #32068854)

     * When the data node receive thread found that the job
       buffer was too full to receive, nothing was done to
       ensure that, the next time it checked, it resumed
       receiving from the transporter at the same point at which
       it stopped previously. (Bug #32046097)

     * The metadata check failed during auto-synchronization of
       tables restored using the ndb_restore tool. This was a
       timing issue relating to indexes, and was found in the
       following two scenarios encountered when a table had been
       selected for auto-synchronization:

         1. When the indexes had not yet been created in the NDB

         2. When the indexes had been created, but were not yet
       (Bug #32004637)

     * Optimized sending of packed signals by registering the
       kernel blocks affected and the sending functions which
       need to be called for each one in a data structure rather
       than looking up this information each time. (Bug

     * When two data definition language statements---one on a
       database and another on a table in the same schema---were
       run in parallel, it was possible for a deadlock to occur.
       The DDL statement affecting the database acquired the
       global schema lock first, but before it could acquire a
       metadata lock on the database, the statement affecting
       the table acquired an intention-exclusive metadata lock
       on the schema. The table DDL statement was thus waiting
       for the global schema lock to upgrade its metadata lock
       on the table to an exclusive lock, while the database DDL
       statement waited for an exclusive metadata lock on the
       database, leading to a deadlock.
       A similar type of deadlock involving tablespaces and
       tables was already known to occur; NDB already detected
       and resolved that issue. The current fix extends that
       logic to handle databases and tables as well, to resolve
       the problem. (Bug #31875229)

     * Clang 8 raised a warning due to an uninitialized
       variable. (Bug #31864792)

     * An empty page acquired for an insert did not receive a
       log sequence number. This is necessary in case the page
       was used previously and thus required undo log execution
       before being used again. (Bug #31859717)

     * No reason was provided when rejecting an attempt to
       perform an in-place ALTER TABLE ... ADD PARTITION
       statement on a fully replicated table. (Bug #31809290)

     * When the master node had recorded a more recent GCI than
       a node starting up which had performed an unsuccessful
       restart, subsequent restarts of the latter could not be
       performed because it could not restore the stated GCI.
       (Bug #31804713)

     * When using 3 or 4 fragment replicas, it is possible to
       add more than one node at a time, which means that DBLQH
       and DBDIH can have distribution keys based on numbers of
       fragment replicas that differ by up to 3 (that is,
       MAX_REPLICAS - 1), rather than by only 1. (Bug #31784934)

     * It was possible in DBLQH for an ABORT signal to arrive
       from DBTC before it received an LQHKEYREF signal from the
       next local query handler. Now in such cases, the
       out-of-order ABORT signal is ignored. (Bug #31782578)

     * NDB did not handle correctly the case when an ALTER TABLE
       ... COMMENT="..." statement did not specify
       ALGORITHM=COPY. (Bug #31776392)

     * It was possible in some cases to miss the end point of
       undo logging for a fragment. (Bug #31774459)

     * ndb_print_sys_file did not work correctly with version 2
       of the sysfile format that was introduced in NDB 8.0.18.
       (Bug #31726653)
       References: See also: Bug #31828452.

     * DBLQH could not handle the case in which identical
       operation records having the same transaction ID came
       from different transaction coordinators. This led to
       locked rows persisting after a node failure, which kept
       node recovery from completing. (Bug #31726568)

     * It is possible for DBDIH to receive a local checkpoint
       having a given ID to restore while a later LCP is
       actually used instead, but when performing a partial LCP
       in such cases, the DIH block was not fully synchronized
       with the ID of the LCP used. (Bug #31726514)

     * In most cases, when searching a hash index, the row is
       used to read the primary key, but when the row has not
       yet been committed the primary key may be read from the
       copy row. If the row has been deleted, it can no longer
       be used to read the primary key. Previously in such
       cases, the primary key was treated as a NULL, but this
       could lead to making a comparison using uninitialised
       Now when this occurs, the comparison is made only if the
       row has not been deleted; otherwise the row is checked of
       among the operations in the serial queue. If no operation
       has the primary key, then any comparison can be reported
       as not equal, since no entry in the parallel queue can
       reinsert the row. This needs to be checked due to the
       fact that, if an entry in the serial queue is an insert
       then the primary key from this operation must be
       identified as such to preclude inserting the same primary
       key twice. (Bug #31688797)

     * As with writing redo log records, when the file currently
       used for writing global checkpoint records becomes full,
       writing switches to the next file. This switch is not
       supposed to occur until the new file is actually ready to
       receive the records, but no check was made to ensure that
       this was the case. This could lead to an unplanned data
       node shutdown restoring data from a backup using
       ndb_restore. (Bug #31585833)

     * Release of shared global memory when it is no longer
       required by the DBSPJ block now occurs more quickly than
       previously. (Bug #31321518)
       References: See also: Bug #31231286.

     * Stopping 3 nodes out of 4 in a single node group using
       kill -9 caused an unplanned cluster shutdown. To keep
       this from happening under such conditions, NDB now
       ensures that any node group that has not had any node
       failures is viewed by arbitration checks as fully viable.
       (Bug #31245543)

     * Multi-threaded index builds could sometimes attempt to
       use an internal function disallowed to them. (Bug

     * While adding new data nodes to the cluster, and while the
       management node was restarting with an updated
       configuration file, some data nodes terminated
       unexpectedly with the error virtual void
       TCP_Transporter::resetBuffers(): Assertion
       `!isConnected()' failed. (Bug #30088051)

     * It was not possible to execute TRUNCATE TABLE or DROP
       TABLE for the parent table of a foreign key with
       foreign_key_checks set to 0. (Bug #97501, Bug #30509759)

     * Optimized the internal NdbReceiver::unpackNdbRecord()
       method, which is used to convert rows retrieved from the
       data nodes from packed wire format to the NDB API row
       format. Prior to the change, roughly 13% of CPU usage for
       executing a join occurred within this method; this was
       reduced to approximately 8%. (Bug #95007, Bug #29640755)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team,
Hery Ramilison

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MySQL Cluster 8.0.23 has been released
January 18, 2021 12:14PM

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