MySQL Enterprise Audit - JSON Trailing commas
When using MySQL Enterprise Audit and using JSON as output format there seems to be a final trailing comma. I processed the JSON in jsonformatter which confirms this, otherwise the JSON structure is ok.
I am trying to read this file with an external component and but it generates a parsning error due to the final comma (see example below) after each JSON document.
I could remove this comma with script but I would perfer not to.
Is it possible to configure MySQL to not generate this commma?
Example of generated MySQL Enterprise Audit log:
[{ "timestamp": "2020-12-31 20:00:01", "id": 0, "class": "connection", "event": "connect", "connection_id": 12, "account": { "user": "USER", "host": "localhost" }, "login": { "user": "USER", "os": "", "ip": "", "proxy": "" }, "connection_data": { "connection_type": "socket", "status": 0, "db": "", "connection_attributes": { "_pid": "28031", "_platform": "x86_64", "_os": "XXXX", "_client_name": "libmysql", "os_user": "USER", "_client_version": "8.0.20" } } },
{ "timestamp": "2020-12-29 20:00:02", "id": 2, "class": "general", "event": "status", "connection_id": 10, "account": { "user": "USER", "host": "localhost" }, "login": { "user": "USER", "os": "", "ip": "", "proxy": "" }, "general_data": { "command": "Query", "sql_command": "alter_instance", "query": "ALTER INSTANCE", "status": 0 } },]