Mysql Administrator 5.0 : On clicking schema , its not showing all the table for backup
Mysql Administrator : for taking backup, when i click the schema its not showing the tables
i created a backup project "yogabackup". in that i selected all the tables in a schema called "yoga".
i was regularly taking backup by clicking that backup project "yogabackup".
Whenever i click the "yogabackup", it used to show all the tables in Yoga schema. Then i used to click "Execute backup now" to take backup.
Suddenly from today, its not showing all the tables in that backup project and not able to take backup also.
As an alternative i used to take backup through my java code also which calls the program as follows :
"cmd.exe", "/c", "\"C:/Program Files (x86)/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/bin/mysqldump.exe\" -u \"root\" -p\"server\" --add-locks --flush-privileges --add-drop-table --complete-insert --extended-insert --single-transaction yoga > E:/backup"+curdate+".sql
this one is also not taking backup as it is coming blank.
Please help me how to take backup from mysql administrator.
I have tried to "repair" Mysql Tools 5.0 and also done reinstallation of Mysql Tools.
Little puzzled , on why the tables not showing up.
Please help
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Mysql Administrator 5.0 : On clicking schema , its not showing all the table for backup
April 04, 2019 06:24AM
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