> I've read very quickly and it looks like there isn't an easy way to do it..
Write a batch file that mysqldumps what needs to be backed up, save it to a remote location in a file named after the server and the datetime. For example omce %mysql_home% holds the path to mysql and %websrv$ holds the offsite UNC, USR and PWD are the MySQL username & password ...
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/- " %%a in ('date /t') do set XDate=%%c%%a%%b
"%mysql_home%\bin\mysqldump" -uUSR -pPWD %1 -K -E -R >%1_%XDate%.sql
"%programfiles%\winrar\rar" m %websrv%\extbackup\%1_%XDate%.rar %1_%XDate%.sql
"%programfiles%\winrar\rar" l %websrv%\extbackup\%1_%XDate%.rar