Connects to DB, but hangs when closing DB connection
I am running mySQL 4.0.20a on Windows XP Pro. Using any of the myODBC connectors 3.51.08, 3.51.09, or 3.51.10 - I get the same weirdness.
When I configure the user DSN I set all the parameters and say OK, no problem - because it does not actually test the connection, but when I configure the DSN and test the connection, I get a successful connection message, but when I click OK, it hangs the ODBC dialog and Data Sources Administrator.
I can access the database completely through the mySQL adminstrator, presumably becasue it isn't using ODBC. But if I access the database using a SQL tool going through ODBC, it makes the connection fine - I can access data, search, query, everything -- until I try and close the connection, and whatever application I am using - hangs -- I have to A/C/D to end the task.
The same database and clients do not have this problem on other similar machines in the office, and I have tried to match all the settings from the successful machines, to no avail.
Please help - I don't want to have to start over again with a fresh windows install! but I am running out of options and suggestions -- very simply the ODBC connection, cannot successfully close the database connection.