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Re: ODBC client side filtering
Posted by: Bogdan Degtyariov
Date: August 27, 2018 04:12AM

Hi Brian,

The client-side filtering is not a part of ODBC API. The page you mentioned before is a manual for MFC classes programmers. In other words the filtering is actually done not on the ODBC Driver level, but in the Recordset object.

So, the Recordset object fetches all the rows from the server result set and filters them accordingly to the desired criteria.

It is still possible that the issue is in the ODBC driver if it does not scroll rows as expected by MFC. However, in order to be 100% sure we need a C++ test program, which helps to repeat the problem.

If you can produce such a test code I strongly recommend you to open a bug report here and provide all relevant details including the code:

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August 14, 2018 09:44AM
Re: ODBC client side filtering
August 27, 2018 04:12AM

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