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Connection Pooling
Posted by: Anand Subramanian
Date: August 04, 2020 10:09PM

If I use the myodbc connector 8.0.19 to connect to a MySQL server 8.x and use the following connection string to do a SQLDriverConnect():

char ConnectionString[] =
¦ ¦ "Driver={MySQL ODBC "
¦ ¦ "8.0};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=mydb;User=user;PWD=****;port=3506;"
¦ ¦ "Pooling=True;maximumpoolsize=100;OPTION=8;";

Can someone please provide more clarity on:

1. Is connection pooling enabled in the myodbc connector itself?

2. Or is there any connection pooling dependency on unix-ODBC as well?

3. Is there any way to verify the effect of enabling connection pooling? Are there any tangible tests I can perform to see if the option has taken effect? Is it possible to check the behavior w.r.t. netstat output and seeing the connections between the client and server etc., track their state etc?

Is there any documentation on the connection pool itself? Max number of connections per pool - if there is any such limit?


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Connection Pooling
August 04, 2020 10:09PM
August 13, 2020 01:27AM

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