Re: Simple C++ .NET connectivity for mySQL
Posted by: w we
Date: November 22, 2004 04:36AM

//in VS add a reference to MySql.Data first

//this should be at the beginning
using namespace MySql::Data::MySqlClient;

private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object * sender, System::EventArgs * e)
String* TablesDbStr = "Database=yourDBname;Data Source=;User Id=yourMysqlUser;Password=aValidPass";
MySqlConnection* miConn = new MySqlConnection(TablesDbStr);
MySqlDataAdapter* categoriesDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(S"SELECT * FROM categories", miConn);
DataSet* mainDataSet1 = new DataSet();
categoriesDataAdapter->Fill(mainDataSet1, S"Categories");
//create dataGrid in designer first
dataGrid1->SetDataBinding(mainDataSet1, S"Categories");

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Re: Simple C++ .NET connectivity for mySQL
November 22, 2004 04:36AM

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