Dataapter only updates local dataset
Posted by: silentbreed
Date: November 21, 2004 06:37AM


I'm having problemes updating my remote mysql database. I'm pretty new to this and i was just playing around, writing a small program to easely maintain some data on a remote server.
Here's the code i'm currently using to 'force' a save:

myDA.Update(myDS, "woningen")

I'm using MySqlCommandBuilder to create the commands. No error gets thrown or anything, and the local dataset stays updated. However, no changes are made to the remote data.

Using the MySqlCommand to create my own insert/update/... command and calling that with ExecuteNonQuery works just fine, but then what would be the use of the command builder ? :S

How do i get the data to update on the remote server ?


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Dataapter only updates local dataset
November 21, 2004 06:37AM

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