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Re: Create a view from an XML field that one row per node in the XML field--is this possible?
Posted by: Albert Wal
Date: January 25, 2013 04:44AM

example from site:

delimiter //
drop procedure if exists get_teams //
create procedure get_teams (in xml_data varchar(2000))
declare i int default 1;
declare j int default 1;
declare k int default 1;
declare i_no_l int default 0;
declare i_no_t int default 0;
declare league_name varchar(100);
declare team_name varchar(100);
create temporary table leagues_teams (
ls_id int unsigned not null default 0,
league_name varchar(100) not null,
team_name varchar(100) not null);
set @xml = xml_data;
set i_no_l = extractvalue(@xml, 'count(leagues/league)');
while i <= i_no_l do
set i_no_t = extractvalue(@xml, 'count(//league[$i]/teams/team)');
set league_name = ExtractValue(@xml, '//league[$i]/@name');
set j = 1;
while j <= i_no_t do
set team_name = extractvalue(@xml, '//league[$i]/teams/team[$j]/@name');
insert into leagues_teams (ls_id, league_name, team_name) values (k, league_name, team_name);
set j = j + 1;
set k = k + 1;
end while;
set i = i + 1;
end while;
select * from leagues_teams order by league_name asc, team_name asc;
drop table leagues_teams;
end //
delimiter ;

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Re: Create a view from an XML field that one row per node in the XML field--is this possible?
January 25, 2013 04:44AM

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