Getting the output parameter after calling a stored procedure!
1. I did follow the example shown in the developer guide (page 45) as:
stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE multiply(IN pFac1 INT, IN pFac2 INT, OUT pProd INT)
SET pProd := pFac1 * pFac2;
python code:
procedure_name = 'multiply'
arguments = (5, 5, 0)
cursor = mysql_connect.cursor()
cursor.callproc(procedure_name, arguments)
and printing of the arguments list does not show me output parameter pPro. I got the same entry as:
(5, 5, 0)
How did you get the value ('5', '5', 25L)?
2. Same situation with a string as output parameter:
stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE magazine.`string_concatenation`(IN pA varchar(50), IN pB varchar(50), OUT pC varchar(50))
SET pC = CONCAT(pA, pB);
python code:
procedure_name = 'string_concatenation'
arguments = ('A', 'B', '')
cursor = mysql_connect.cursor()
cursor.callproc(procedure_name, arguments)
This code will print: ('A', 'B', '')
How do I show the value of pC in python code?