Thanks again Bill Karwin. You are right! I realized that I wasn't getting an accurate row count from a SELECT statement using $sth->rows. I went ahead and did what the documentation suggested from the link you provided. What I also realized is the "DBI->connect(DBI:mysqlPP:database..." doesn't work for me. However "DBI->connect(DBI:mysql:database..." does work. I think it just boils down to "DBD-mysqlPP" is not compatible with MySQL v4.1. I was able to retrieve results and everything using "DBD-mysql" instead. I think I'm fine now. Thanks for your help!
Bill Karwin Wrote:
> > I do not have any code that checks
> > for errors after I prepare the query yet.
> That would seem to be the best next step.
> > after running the
> > PREPARE and EXECUTE statements, "$sth->rows"
> has
> > the value of 0 which is not correct.
> The $sth->rows method returns rows affected by the
> It isn't the count of rows returned by a SELECT.
> See