I make the call in my PERL programs:
@lc_ret = $dbsock->selectrow_arrayref("select orgid, orgnom, orgurl from cal_organizations");
and the result is that I am given an array that only points to one record, even though I know that there are two records in the database that match this query.
And just to be certain that the problem is with my PERL and not with my SQL code, I went to MySQL's text-terminal console program and typed the query and got the following result:
mysql> select orgid, orgnom, orgurl from cal_organizations;
| orgid | orgnom | orgurl |
| 1 | TICSs |
http://techno-info.com |
| 2 | Virtual Stoa |
http://virtualstoa.org |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
So can anyone tll me what am I doing wrong? Why is selectrow_arrayref giving back only one record when there should be two?