Mysql, Perl, DBI, DBD Authentication Protocol
Greetings all,
I think (hope) I'm in the right place. I am struggling with a strange problem. I've looked around but haven't found an answer to what I can't believe is a problem. The situation is as follows:
1. MySql server on machine A (Windows 2003 Server), Client on Machine B (XP Pro)
2. Software in use:
a: MySql -Version 4.1.10a
b. ActiveState Perl - Version
c. DBI - Version 1.48
D DBD-mysql - Version 2.9003
All of this software is on both machines except, of course, the MySql database.
3. MySql Database Name = test
4. MySql server name = ressvr
5. The Perl program below is running on the XP workstation
use DBI;
my $dbh=DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:test:ressvr','root','passwd');
print "\n\nHere";
6. The MySql user list includes root on three different machines. Two of which are, of course, Machine A and B.
7. Result - DBI connect('test:ressvr','root',...) failed: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client at P:\Perl Projects\database\ line 2
I can run this on the server with exactly the same results, I have tried all the different permutations of the DSN values…Nothing seems to change it.
I’ve double checked and as near as I can see I AM upgraded to the current, stable software in everything. I am sure I have done something stupid but I haven’t a clue as to what. Anybody HELP!!!!!. All efforts are greatly appreciated.