How to display returned rows in HTML page??
i'v just started learning perl and have a project which requires mysql in the backend. To start with i need to display all the rows of a table (select* from table) in an html page and the scripting needs ot be in perl. I've managed to create a perl script which looks like this:
use DBI qw(:sql_types);
my ($databaseName, $host, $databaseUser, $databasePw, $dbh);
my ($stmt, $sth, @newRow);
my ($counter);
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$databaseName:host=$host", $databaseUser, $databasePw) or die "Can't connect to database:$DBI::errstr\n";
print("Successfully connected to MySql Database.");
$stmt = "SELECT * FROM table";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt) || die "prepare: $$stmt: $DBI::errstr";
$sth->execute || die "execute: $$stmt: $DBI::errstr";
@record = $sth->fetchrow();
$counter = $record[0];
But the problem is how to convert it into a cgi script to be placed in a web server, so that after clicking a button for example, the sql query in the code is displayed in the html page..i am clueless about th html code to be written
Please help
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How to display returned rows in HTML page??
April 28, 2005 11:08PM
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