Re: Perl MySQL Connection [urgent]
Hello Bill,
Here is my connection code, i am using speedy to keep connection as global.
use DBI;
use POSIX qw(ceil floor);
use vars qw($dbh);
unless (defined($dbh)) {
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=voipradius;host=localhost",'root','123456',
{ RaiseError => 1,PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1});
Here is my script description how it is working.
Exec-Program-Wait = "/usr/local/etc/ %{Acct-Session-Id} %{Called-Station-Id} %u %{Acct-Session-Time}"
Radius engine is waiting to finish the call till this file will be execute, and it sends some variable to the file.
Here is my file description.
1- Selecting Agent Id from the caller Id %u
2- Selecting Balance of Agent from AgentID
3- Selecting Balance for Caller Id
4- Selecting Buy rate for pariticular country from called-station-id (called number)
SQL: Select If(SRT.Rate Is Null,?*STC.Percentage,SRT.Rate) As Sell_Rate From Tariff_Classes AS STC Left Join Reseller_Tariff As SRT ON STC.ID = SRT.Groupn And SRT.Code = ? Where STC.ID = ?
5- Some mathmetic for calculation of GP and Billing Increament for the priticular
6- Updating Agent Balance
7- Updating Caller ID balance
8- Final Inserting records in call history table.
This is all process which we are executing in our script.
I hope this will more explain about our problem.
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Re: Perl MySQL Connection [urgent]
June 18, 2006 10:13PM
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