PHP Charts
Posted by:
Date: May 12, 2005 11:33AM
I am using a PHP/SWF charting tool i found on the internet. The tool looks fantastic but i need to be able to customise it to display my own data.
This is the code i am using to include a chart:
include "charts.php";
echo InsertChart ( "charts.swf", "industrybreakdown.php", 400, 280 , "FFFFFF", false );
and this is the data in the industrybreakdown.php file:
include 'charts.php';
$chart[ 'chart_bg' ] = array ( 'positive_alpha'=>0 );
$chart[ 'chart_data' ] = array ( array ( '', '2001', '2002', '2003','2004'), array ( '', 15, 27,45,60 ) );
$chart[ 'chart_grid_h' ] = array ( 'thickness'=>0 );
$chart[ 'chart_rect' ] = array ( 'x'=>50, 'y'=>50, 'width'=>300, 'height'=>200 );
$chart[ 'chart_type' ] = '3d pie';
$chart[ 'chart_value' ] = array ( 'color'=>'000000', 'alpha'=>65, 'font'=>'arial', 'bold'=>true, 'size'=>10, 'position'=>'inside', 'prefix'=>'',
'suffix'=>'', 'decimals'=>0, 'separator'=>'', 'as_percentage'=>true );
$chart[ 'draw_text' ] = array ( array ( 'color'=>'000000', 'alpha'=>4, 'font'=>'arial', 'rotation'=>0, 'bold'=>true, 'size'=>40, 'x'=>50, 'y'=>260,
'width'=>300, 'height'=>50, 'text'=>'56789012345678901234', 'h_align'=>'center', 'v_align'=>'middle' )) ;
$chart[ 'legend_bg' ] = array ( 'bg_color'=>'44aaff', 'bg_alpha'=>10, 'border_color'=>'000000', 'border_alpha'=>0, 'border_thickness'=>0 );
$chart[ 'legend_label' ] = array ( 'layout'=>'horizontal', 'bullet'=>'circle', 'font'=>'arial', 'bold'=>true, 'size'=>12, 'color'=>'44aaff', 'alpha'=>85 );
$chart[ 'legend_rect' ] = array ( 'x'=>0, 'y'=>45, 'width'=>50, 'height'=>210, 'margin'=>10 );
$chart[ 'series_color' ] = array ( '00ff88', 'ffaa00','44aaff', 'aa00ff' );
$chart[ 'series_explode' ] = array ( 25, 75, 0, 0 );
SendChartData ( $chart );
How would i go about changing the data in this file based on my database? If someone can tell me how i include this code inside the document with the chart in, i should easily be able to do it. I.e. how do i adjust the first bit of code: "industrybreakdown.php" to include PHP code in the same document.
Thanks in advance.