Re: strange unicode problem - big5 to utf8 in MySQL Windows (win32)
Posted by:
Jerry Lee
Date: June 15, 2005 12:45AM
As I tested, only all the double-byte charset is not transformed correctly in Mysql/Windows, I did tests:
big5 <-> utf- => wrong
big5 <-> gb2312 => wrong
big5 <-> ucs-2 => wrong
big5 <-> utf-7 => correct
The tests I did show that only utf-7 could be transformed back and forth correcly.
But utf-7 is stored as ASCII characters in Mysql, and is pretty long. (about twice as long as big5)
Does anybody has solution on this?
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Re: strange unicode problem - big5 to utf8 in MySQL Windows (win32)
June 15, 2005 12:45AM
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