storing/displaying different languages with PHP/MySQL
Hi guys,
I have been wrecking my brain on how to store interenational languages and/or text in MySQL and then extract it and display it using PHP...
The languages I will need to store will be Cyrillic and Chinese...everytime I try to create a table with UTF fields to store this info, it fails to store the text correctly. Basically when I copy and paste Cyrillic or Chinese text into the fields of the table I have created in MySQL, it converts it to ????????? question mark signs and then when you extract it and display it using PHP, it shows the the question marks and not the correct text...
Would somebody have a small working example out there on how to accomplish this task? That is creating the right fields in the table, storing the data and extracting it using PHP...
I currently run PHP file ver. and MySQL 4.1.7...maybe it's the setting in MySQL? I have got default char set as latin1 I tried changing that and heaps of other options but it's still wouldn't work properly...
Any help would be much appreaciated...
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storing/displaying different languages with PHP/MySQL
June 30, 2005 02:05AM
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