I dunno, I can't figure it out, either. But I can tell you this - using a string column to store numeric data is nearly always A Very Bad Idea. In this case, the strings are almost certainly not getting sorted in the order you think they are.
Consider the following:
# create a table
mysql> CREATE TABLE nw (col VARCHAR(10));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
# insert the ordinal forms of the numbers 1-11
mysql> INSERT INTO nw VALUES ('1st'), ('2nd'), ('3rd'), ('4th'), ('5th'), ('6th'), ('7th'), ('8th'), ('9th'), ('10th'), ('11th');
Query OK, 11 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 11 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
# Let's do an ORDER BY query
mysql> SELECT col FROM nw ORDER BY col DESC;
| col |
| 9th |
| 8th |
| 7th |
| 6th |
| 5th |
| 4th |
| 3rd |
| 2nd |
| 1st |
| 11th |
| 10th |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Oooops. Try doing this with '1st', '2nd', '3rd', ..., '34th', '35th' and the results become even more entertaining. :)
My advice is this: Before doing anything else, store the numbers of the visits in the DB as *numbers*. Use a PHP function to generate the ordinal form after you retrieve it from the DB. You can also perform the increment in the query, like so:
SELECT svisit + 1 AS sv FROM snex_data WHERE spo=$postart ORDER BY svisit DESC LIMIT 1;
Jon Stephens
MySQL Documentation Team @ Oracle
MySQL Dev Zone
MySQL Server Documentation