Re: Is there anybody to help me in this code please???
Zohra Pardesi Wrote:
> Hi Friends,
> I am learning website development from youtube
> tutorials and stuck at some point, it would be
> appreciated if someone help me out in code.
> This is related to online store website.
> If my database contains Lipstick 10 and
> Foundations 5.
> User gets login and add both of above products
> into cart then she updates quantity of Lipstick to
> 12 and quantity of Foundation to 3.
> in both above cases order place successfully and
> payment also gets done bill generate..............
> which is not right as user's ordered quantity is
> more than the quantity available.
> I tried to resolve the issue but as I am not
> expert and I am in learning phase so, I could not
> resolve the issue.
> please have a look at my code and let me know how
> to resolve this issue???? I will really be
> grateful to you.
> ////////////////This is the Part of code where
> user gets login
> else{
> $u_email=$_SESSION['u_email'];
> $ip_add=getIp();
> $get_user=$conn->prepare("select * from zusers
> s where u_email='$u_email'");
> $get_user->setFetchMode(PDO:: FETCH_ASSOC);
> $get_user->execute();
> $row_user=$get_user->fetch();
> $user_id=$row_user['user_id'];
> $cart_item=$conn->prepare("select * from
> m zuser_cart where ip_add='$ip' AND
> user_id='$user_id'");
> $cart_item->setFetchMode(PDO:: FETCH_ASSOC);
> $cart_item->execute();
> $row=$cart_item->execute();
> //$row=$cart_item->fetch();
> $product_id=$row['product_id'];
> $get_product=$conn->prepare("select * from
> om zproducts where product_id='$product_id'");
> $get_product->setFetchMode(PDO:: FETCH_ASSOC);
> $get_product->execute();
> $row_product=$get_product->fetch();
> $q=$row_product['product_qty'];
> /*if(isset($_POST['$update_qty'])){
> if(($row['qty']) > $q){
> echo "<script>alert('Your Required Quantity is
> y is more than the Quantity
> Available!);</script>";
> }
> }else{*/
> $cart_empty=$cart_item->rowCount();
> $grand_total=0;
> if($cart_empty==0){
> echo "<center><h2>No Item Found, Your Cart is
> s Empty!!!   <a
> href='cat-detail.php?cat_id=1'>Continue
> Shopping</a></h2></center>";
> }
/////////////This below code is Where I need Help//////////////
else {
> if(isset($_POST['update_qty']) AND
> AND !empty($_POST['qty'])){
> $quantity=$_POST['qty'];
> if($quantity > $q){
> echo "<script>alert('Your Required Quantity is
> s more than the Quantity Available!');</script>";
> foreach($quantity as $key=>$value){
> $update_qty=$conn->prepare("update zuser_cart
> rt set qty=:value
> where user_cart_id='$key'");
> $update_qty->bindParam(":value",
> ":value", $value);
> if($update_qty->execute()){
> if(isset($_GET['checkout_cart'])){
> echo
> echo
> "<script>'checkout.php?checkout_cart','_self')</script>";
> }else{
> echo
> ho
> "<script>'user-profile.php?mycart','_self')</script>";
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> echo "<table>
> <tr>
> <th>Image</th>
> <th>Product Name</th>
> <th>Quantity</th>
> <th>Price</th>
> <th>Sub Total</th>
> <th>Remove Item</th>
> </tr>
> ";
> while($row=$cart_item->fetch()):
> $product_id=$row['product_id'];
> $get_product=$conn->prepare("select * from
> from zproducts where product_id= '$product_id'");
> $get_product->setFetchMode(PDO::
> $get_product->execute();
> $row_product=$get_product->fetch();
> $q=$row_product['product_qty'];
> echo
> "<tr>
> <td><img
> g
> src='images/products_images/".$row_product['product_img1']."'
> /></td>
> <td>".$row_product['product_name']."</td>
> <td><input type='text'
> ' name='qty[".$row['user_cart_id']."]'
> value='".$row['qty']."' />
> <input type='submit' name='update_qty'
> ' value='Save' /></td>
> <td>".$row_product['product_disc_price']."</td>
> <td>";
> $qty=$row['qty'];
> $product_price=$row_product['product_disc_price'];
> $sub_total=$qty*$product_price;
> echo $sub_total;
> $grand_total=$grand_total+$sub_total;
> echo "</td>
> <td><a
> <td><a
> href='delete-cart.php?user_delete_id=".$row_product['product_id']."'>Delete</a></td>
> </tr>";
> endwhile;
Written By
Re: Is there anybody to help me in this code please???
June 08, 2019 01:45PM
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