need help w/ query..
Posted by:
Jaime Reza
Date: November 02, 2004 01:32PM
I have a query
select p.* from person p
where p.person_name in (select top 2 person_name from events group by person_name order by count(person_name) desc)
order by p.person_name
based on two tables
table person
person_name PRIMARY KEY,
table events
eid int PRIMARY KEY,
I cant use TOP specifier in mysql and cant use LIMIT because it has to work in both
The results are limited to what is in the events table
so I did a left join on the limiting table events instead..
but I cant get the top 2 with the highest counts, only the
top 2 that appear in the table events..
select p.esn,p.address
FROM events AS E1
LEFT JOIN events AS E2
on E2.eid > E1.eid, person p
WHERE p.person_name = E1.person_name
GROUP BY E1.eid, p.person_name,p.address
HAVING (COUNT(E2.sid) < 2)
ORDER BY p.person_name ASC
based on
select E1.person_name
FROM events AS E1
LEFT JOIN events AS E2
on E2.eid > E1.eid
GROUP BY E1.eid,E1.person_name
HAVING (COUNT(E2.sid) < 2)
any ideas?
Written By
need help w/ query..
November 02, 2004 01:32PM
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